Facebook, YouTube Apple & Spotify Ban Infowars’ Alex Jones

Fact checked by The People's Voice Community

All but one of the major content platforms have banned American conspiracy theorist Alex Jones for ‘promoting violence and hate speech’

Whatever you think about Alex Jones, today he was undeniably the victim of collusion by the big tech giants.

A few hours after Facebook announced it had permanently banned Infowars, YouTube also terminated Jones’s channel on its platform

Streaming services Apple and Spotify have also removed Jone’s daily podcasts.

The social media giant shut down InfoWars’ page saying the conservative news outlet used hate speech. Paul Joseph Watson, an editor at the website said Facebook failed to say what the offending posts were.

Facebook said in a blog post that the four main Infowars pages were “unpublished for repeated violations of Community Standards and accumulating too many strikes.”

Googles YouTube also cited a breach of “community guidelines” for the removal of the Alex Jones channel.

It was cut off on Monday afternoon, following an earlier purge of Jones’ content on Facebook, Apple, and Spotify. Some of Jones’ videos had garnered millions of views at the time of their deletion.

RT reports: The move has been called “a purge” and “political censorship” by InfoWars Editor-at-Large, Paul Joseph Watson, who made the announcement on Twitter, along with an screenshot image from YouTube saying the account “has been terminated for violating YouTube’s community guidelines.”

“Apple, Spotify, Facebook and now Google (which owns YouTube) – all within 12 hours of each other. A coordinated purge. This is a total abuse of power,” he tweeted.

Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15205 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.