German MP Says Merkel Could Be ‘Ousted’ Next Week Over Her ‘Open-Door’ Migrant Policy

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Angela Merkel could lose her powerful seat in the heart of Europe as soon as next week amid clashes within her coalition Government over EU migration policies

According to German MP Kai Whittaker,  Merkel could be ousted as the German Chancellor in the coming days if she doesn’t come up with a plan for the migrant crisis.

Whittaker who is a member of Merkel’s own party has warned that infighting is weakening the ruling coalition, making the Chancellors position untenable.

Merkel is currently at war with Horst Seehofer, her  Interior Minister, who wants Germany to evict migrants who have registered in other EU countries. Merkal however, is refusing to back down on her ‘open-door’ migrant policy.

Merkel’s critics say she is more concerned at the damage to her image if she is seen to close the border now after refusing to do so during the 2015 migrant influx.

The Mail Online reports: A reversal of her 2015 open-door migrant policy would be a huge blow to her authority, with neither of the pair willing to back down.

‘We are in a serious situation because the question of the migration crisis evolved into a power question,’ Mr Whittaker, 33, told BBC radio.

‘The question is who is leading the government? Is it Angela Merkel or is it Horst Seehofer? Everybody seems to be standing firm and that’s the problem.’

The MP for Rastatt in Baden-Württemberg said parliament was confused about what the coalition’s migrant policy even was.

‘We don’t know really. There is a master plan to solve the migration crisis, which consists of 63 ideas of Horst Seehofer,’ he said.

‘We don’t know that concept yet, so we are a bit in the blue.’

‘It is vital for the CSU to win an overall majority because that’s why they have a national importance,’ Mr Whittaker said.

‘This kind of situation has the potential to diminish the authority of her and Horts Seehofer and it could well be that at the end of next week we have a new situation.’

When asked what he meant by a new situation, Mr Whittaker clarified that he meant ‘probably a new Chancellor’.

‘I can’t say it’s out of the question,’ he added.

Ms Merkel is sticking to her guns, maintaining an open-door migrant policy is crucial for keeping Europe united despite the political standoff with her Bavarian ally.

In her weekly podcast, three days before talks between Ms Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron outside Berlin, she hammered home her stance.

‘This is a European challenge that also needs a European solution. And I view this issue as decisive for keeping Europe together,’ she said.

Members said Mr Seehofer would defy Merkel on Monday if no compromise has been reached by then, and go ahead with the plans alone.

Such an affront to Merkel could force her to fire Seehofer, and there is even talk of the end of the 70-year conservative parliamentary alliance between the two parties.

Without the CSU, the CDU and Social Democrats, the third party in her ‘grand coalition’, would lack a majority.

Last week, Merkel confronted the risk of losing the full support of her own CDU, many of whom support the CSU’s tougher line.

But she won over a majority of her lawmakers on Thursday and most are now behind her.

Merkel’s refugee policy, which led to more than 1.6 million migrants arriving in Germany in the last three years, is widely blamed for a surge in support for the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD),

The party entered parliament after a September election and became the main opposition party.


Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15205 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.