Government Study: Flu Vaccine not Effective for Elderly – Death Rates Increased

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Government Study: Flu Vaccine not Effective for Elderly – Death Rates Increased

‘Investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson revealed this week that the government’s own studies on the effectiveness of the flu vaccine for the elderly show that they are not only not effective in preventing the flu, but that the death rate of those vaccinated increased.

While still a reporter for CBS News, Attkisson tried to interview the lead researcher of a “mainstream” flu vaccination study they assumed would show that the flu vaccine was effective in preventing the seasonal influenza virus. However, the National Institute of Health (NIH) blocked the interview, and Attkisson had to interview the co-authors of the study instead, since they were independent researchers, and not paid by the government. Attkisson writes: “These study authors who were honest, at their own career peril, should be commended.”


While this study was done several years ago, recent data about the effectiveness of the flu vaccine for the elderly is not much better, and this can usually be ascertained simply by reading the package insert for the vaccine. Earlier this year, Dr. Brownstein broke down the data published on last year’s flu shot marketed for seniors. While the manufacturer was selling up the benefits for seniors, the actual study proved just the opposite (See: Dr. Brownstein: New Flu Vaccine Worthless).’

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Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15205 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.