Illuminati Insider Reveals Deadly Experience Trying To Escape

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Illuminati insider reveals hellish experience trying to leave the secret organization

An insider who says he was a member of the illuminati, claims to be on the run from the secretive organisation after having managed to escape. 

According to the insider, the illuminati have a ‘Departure Ritual’ for anybody who wants to leave. However, unbeknown to lower ranking members, the ritual is designed to kill anybody who wants to leave in the most gruesome way.

Here’s his story:

You are brought before the Supreme Council and you must officially declare your desire to leave the organization. Then, the organization rounds up all of your living family members and kills them while forcing you to watch. They kill every member of your family and leave you alive.

To them, that is punishment enough for your sins of breaking the bonds of the organization. Before, when I mentioned that my wife was in a car accident, I was lying to throw them off my trail. I knew that if they say me mention my wife, they would be convinced that I was lying because they knew they had already killed her. After killing your entire family, they allow you to live for a year, to see what life is alike with everyone that you had loved murdered. It is the worst torture imaginable. Then, after a year, you are placed in a retaining room for another year while they attempt to perform mind-altering experimentation on you.

They attempt to psychologically break you. Some make it through this stage, others don’t. Luckily, I did. After they are done with the testing, they place you in their underground prison beneath Denver, Colorado. You are lowered down into a hole, roughly 300 yards in the ground to a dungeon with seemingly no entry or exit. Once a day, they parachute down food. They never check to see whether you are dead or alive. In previous years, there has not been a dead prisoner for a decade at a time, but they drop food every day because they are completely oblivious to who is still down there.

You see, when you are performing the ritual, you are told that after all of the pain, you will be free. That is a lie. They never intend to let you go. Instead, they stick you in a hole and forget about you, never again having contact with you.

When I arrived in the dungeon, there were five other people down there. I recognized many that I had known from all of my years in the organization. We were told they had died for numerous reasons, but they had really been in the dungeon for all of this time after deciding to Depart the organization.

I was down there with them for two years, and then another prisoner arrived. However, this prisoner was different from the others. He had known about the dungeon and already had a way to get us out. His great grandfather had actually designed an old subterranean rail system that ran adjacent to the dungeon. While constructing the rail system, the designer’s team accidentally drilled into the dungeon and saw the remains of people who had died in the dungeon. The workers were killed during a tunnel collapse the next month, but the designer was given a free pass in return for selling his soul and the souls of his son and future grandson to the Illuminati.

The man who was lowered into the dungeon that day, the seventh person, knew about the rail system that ran just feet away from one of the walls of the dungeon in which we were imprisoned. We spent months using rocks and hand crafted tools to shovel our way through the dungeon wall and into the abandoned tunnel system. We followed the tunnel system for miles to an old warehouse in a rural Colorado town. The tunnel was originally used for leaders to enter Denver without being seen.

After exiting the system, we all split off from the group. We all had different contacts that we were going to pursue in order to try to survive and keep our identities hidden from the organization. Until the Illuminati reads this specific letter, they will not know that I was truly in the organization.

I have been vague with all of you to this point in order to allow myself time to work out my contacts and to ensure my security as soon as I fully begin to reveal my identity. You see, until this day, the organization still believes that the 7 of us who escaped are either still in the dungeon or have died down there. Most likely, someone will be lowered into the dungeon immediately after this message is read to see who is exactly in the dungeon. When it is discovered that 7 people are missing, the Illuminati will have a full blown crisis on its hands.

That being said, the organization will have a very hard time tracking where the 7 of us are because we have not officially existed for years and years. The newest leads that the Illuminati will have as to our locations or identities will be extremely outdated. For now, we are all safe. I have not had direct contact with any of the other 6 for a very long time. The two contacts that I have secured are still currently in the organization, and I am putting my full faith and trust that they will not turn me into the organization.

I am taking a leap of faith my disclosing my identity and location to them, but I have to take a shot in order to begin to reveal the information that can eventually save us all.

I have to go now. My flight is leaving soon. Once I return to the United States, I will give you the latest updates on the September 11 leak and the situation with al-Assad. Also, by that time the organization will be looking for me as well as the other six, and I will be able to tell you whether I am safe for now or not.

In all reality, I might not make it all the way back to the United States. I am unsure how easily I will be able to be tracked, but I have faith that it will be very hard. For instance, I am writing this message from Rome, but by the time the delay-posting software release this letter, I will be long gone on one of three flights that I have already bought tickets for. I have not yet even decided what flight I am taking. I will not decide until the moment I am walking towards the gates.

Goodbye for now my friends. I hope I will speak to you soon.

Sean Adl-Tabatabai
About Sean Adl-Tabatabai 18013 Articles
Having cut his teeth in the mainstream media, including stints at the BBC, Sean witnessed the corruption within the system and developed a burning desire to expose the secrets that protect the elite and allow them to continue waging war on humanity. Disturbed by the agenda of the elites and dissatisfied with the alternative media, Sean decided it was time to shake things up. Knight of Joseon (