Is Hungary The Next ‘Regime Change’ Target?

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Is Hungary The Next ‘Regime Change’ Target?

Giving the green light to the South Stream pipeline from Russia, may have made Hungary the next ‘regime change’ target of the US and EU ruling elite

Another day, another regime change in the making. Hungary’s democratically elected Prime Minister Viktor Orban is now become a target of EU and US regime change tactics as he continues to refuse to bow down and kiss the ring of the Western elite overlords, reports redpill times

When you defy the EU or US you become a target for immediate regime change. Maybe a color revolution, maybe a quick trip by John McCain, or a Victoria Nuland “F*** the EU” phone call.

Anyway you slice it, a country leader that aims at sovereignty and self determination, is a dangerous leader in the eyes of the prison planet we call the Western sphere of influence.

Hungary’s democratically elected Prime Minister Viktor Orban is now such a target.

Why? Because he made the fateful mistake of green lighting the South Stream pipeline from Russia, that will give his nation cheap and reliable energy removed from the folly that is the Ukraine transit line. And because Orban is looking after the best interest of his country and not the bank accounts of the Brussels and Washington oligarchs, his government has been targeted for extermination.

Expect more protests, marches, and western media demonisation to ensue in Hungary, with each section of South Stream that gets built.

Orban will be billed as a dictator, heavy handed ruler, communist, Hitler, Stalin, etc… until some engineered event creates a violent reaction that the western MSM will brand as a fight for “democracy by the people.”

Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15205 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.