Jehovah’s Witnesses sex abuse scandal: Church accused of cover-up to protect rapists and paedophiles

Fact checked by The People's Voice Community

Mark Sewell,  former Jehovah’s witness elder, has been convicted of a string of sex abuse offenses, including 5 counts of indecent assault against two young girls and the rape of a woman. He has now been sentenced to 14 years

The Mirror Reports:- ‘Elders accused of ‘brainwashing’ victims or threatening to have them shunned by their families and friends if they report abuse to the police

Widespread child sex abuse and rape by church members has been covered up by Jehovah’s Witnesses, it is claimed.

Elders have been accused of brainwashing abused women and girls into not going to the police so the church can maintain its squeaky-clean image, reveals the Sunday People.

The Christian religion, known for its door-to-door preachers, is said not to have taken enough action against suspected paedophiles in its ranks.

But now two women who were sexually abused are filing papers with the High Court saying the church failed in its duty of protection.

Their lawyer has warned this could be the tip of the iceberg – likening it to the sex scandals which have rocked the Catholic church.

It is claimed there are at least 15 other alleged victims in the UK.

Insiders say talking about their trauma is considered gossip, which is a sin in the eyes of the religion.

Karen Morgan, 38, was just a teenager when she was sexually assaulted by Mark Sewell, 53 – at the time a Jehovah’s Witness elder – who preyed on young women in the congregation in Barry, South Glamorgan.

In July he was found guilty of eight sex offences over eight years, including a rape that left his adult victim pregnant and the sex abuse of a 12-year-old girl. He was jailed for 14 years.

When victims reported him to the church, a committee cleared him of all allegations – and destroyed
the evidence.

But Sewell rejected claims his seniority meant allegations of child abuse had been “swept under the carpet”.

Karen told the Sunday People: “Being abused is traumatic enough but being betrayed by the church – the very people you trust in life – is even worse. I felt isolated and alone.

“I grew up believing the church was powerful but it didn’t help me.

“My entire world and every thing I had felt about being a Jehovah’s Witness was blown apart. The only way I can describe it is utter devastation.”

Sewell (and others in senior positions) had the power to disfellowship people in his congregations for something as simple as refusing to quit smoking, while he, meanwhile, was engaged in sexual crimes against the ones he swore to protect.

How many more like Karen Morgan need to be hurt and damaged in order for Jehovah’s Witnesses to wake up and do what needs to be done?

JWsurvey reports:- According to Rick Simons, who represented Candace Conti in yet another Watchtower sex abuse scandal, “Watchtower’s going to need more than one lesson, the Catholic Church sure did, and they’re going to get more than one lesson!” As more abuse scandals pile up for Watchtower, his words continue to be proven a devastating reality



Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15205 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.