Jordan Peterson: Voting For Trump Over Hillary Was The Right Choice

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Canadian psychologist and social critic Jordan Peterson said that given the right to vote, he "probably" would have "impulsively voted for Donald Trump at the last moment".

Canadian psychologist and social critic Jordan Peterson said that given the right to vote, he “probably” would have “impulsively voted for Donald Trump at the last moment” after becoming deeply concerned about the prospect of Hillary Clinton in the White House.

I think what I would have done was walk into the voting booth with the intention of voting for Clinton,” he says. “And then, at the last minute, [I would have] gone, ‘To hell with it. I’m not doing it,’ and voted for Trump.”

Peterson, the bestselling author of 12 Rules For Life, said that although Clinton was seen by many as the safe choice, as the election continued he became concerned with her policies and ideologies. “For the entire election, virtually, I thought, well, Clinton has the experience necessary to at least keep the status quo in motion. In some sense, she was a conservative choice because she’d been in politics so long.”

“As the campaign continued, and she continued to beat the identity politics drum louder and louder, I became more and more concerned about her political direction or ideological direction.”

“I really do find identity politics repugnant, and I don’t use that term lightly. They’re making a very big mistake to re-tribalize our social-conceptual structure. The big advantage of being in the West was to live in a society where the individual is sovereign. The left is [pushing to] redivide us along ethnic-racial lines. I think it’s a catastrophic error.”

Jordan Peterson also slammed Hillary Clinton for abandoning the working class, describing it as a “fundamental betrayal.

I wasn’t happy at all that [the left] abandoned the working class. I felt they were abandoned by the Democrats, and that was a real betrayal, a fundamental betrayal.”

Despite what mainstream media likes to claim, Jordan Peterson is not the only high-level thinker who found himself supporting Trump out of general dismay with Hillary Clinton, the status quo and identity politics.

On the other end of the Atlantic, Slavoj Žižek, the internationally famous European philosopher, also said that he would have voted for Trump, because Hillary Clinton and the Democrats were not fit to govern. “My hope was precisely that if Trump was elected President,” he said in a BBC ​interview, “everyone would be shocked and horrified at this horror and something would happen… within the Democratic party.

Dave Rubin ​said recently that he would support Trump over “one of these crazy progressives” including Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren in 2020.

For what it’s worth, more and more celebrities have also started coming out of the closet as Trump supporters. Canadian Shania Twain recently said she would have voted for Trump, if she was an American citizen. Kanye West has also ​said that, had he voted in 2016, it would have been for Trump. West said in November 2016 that Trump’s style was beyond entertaining. “I actually think that his approach was absolutely genius,” said West, “because it f—ing worked.”

Baxter Dmitry
About Baxter Dmitry 6184 Articles
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.