Kim Kardashian Says She’d Eat Poop Every Day To Stay Young

Fact checked
Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian said that she would consider eating shit every day in order to look younger.

During an interview with the New York Times, the 41-year-old billionaire, who is currently promoting her upcoming skin-care line, told the reporter “I’ll try anything”

She want on “If you told me that I literally had to eat poop every single day and I would look younger, I might. I just might.”

Summit News reports: Respondents jokingly asked whether feces was one of the ingredients in Kim’s upcoming new skincare line.

“Why do I feel like this means she already has?” asked another.

Other people noted how the comments underscore society’s obsession with avoiding the natural ageing process, with one commenting, “When did growing older become a awful thing to happen to us?”

The obsession with maintaining youth and immortality is an obsession shared by rich superstars and global elitists since time immemorial.

As we highlighted last month, new scientific research by Stanford University reveals that “harvesting the blood and body parts of the young in the hope of achieving immortality” is no longer just a “trope in horror novels,” but a feasible likelihood.

Elitists and transhumanists have long been interested in harvesting material from young people in a bid to pursue life-extension.

The Telegraph report notes that, “Harvesting the blood and body parts of the young in the hope of achieving immortality has long been a familiar trope in horror novels and conspiracy theories,” but apparently not anymore.


  1. Considering her only claim to fame is being a coalburner and a slut, that doesn’t surprise me.

  2. Adrenochrome was popularised in the 70s by Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas,. But it’s been known for centuries Vampires always knew about drinking blood of terrified virgin aka children. It’s documented in real history too Dracula was real.

  3. Every notice that these Hollywood elites will ingest anything to stay young? (ex. Adrenochrome). They want to live as long as they can because they know they’ll never be an afterlife for their rotten souls.

  4. Most of the ‘elite’ have no souls, they are eventually clones, clones have no souls. Why clones? Because when they can be made quickly and aged to the right age to look young. They wear out fast and need to be replaced often, however, any body that has no soul, is an open vessel for any demonic spirit from Hell to possess. Hell does exist and it was created by the fallen angels, as their version of heaven, the exact opposite of heaven, because they are the exact opposite (rebelled) of God. Like cancer cells are the opposite of normal cells. They actually love it in hell because they are sadists. Only sadism, torture and domination make them happy. Everyone of the elite, practice only one kind of sex, most are homosexual but they all spend their time doing deviant sadistic S&M & B&D perversions, in orgies and use children or clones, as the submissive to their domination and total control and they are cannibals, who only drink the blood of a LIVING creature and eat its flesh while it is still ALIVE. That is where they get the “life force energy to stay alive and young. They are the original source of all the vampire myths. They are surrounded by demonic life-killing energy, death energy of Hell. Whatever they try to sell you or give you for free or force inject into you: it is what attracts demons to you as well. They have black auras, if your aura is black, you have no soul. The demonic entities from hell do not want permanent vessels, unless they are rich or beautiful or both. They use freemasonry, to get the bodies they want. Only the bodies they want, get to climb the ladder of success and become rich, famous billionaires. If you have become a billionaire, you are a Freemason but when you reach a certain point, you are tricked out of being one of the living, you become just a vessel inhabited by a demonic entities, not former human demons, but the elite demons: the original ones who created Hell for themselves, the fallen angels. If you have no soul, there is still an afterlife, demons are dark spirits, they return to Hell for eternity. There are natural healing methods that protect you from demons and there is the unnatural modern medicine that gives you poisons that attract demons to you. Kim’s clone’s cosmetic line is definitely going to be demon attracting soul destroying. There is NOTHING of GOD in the elite. Whatever they are selling or giving away for free, it is to enslave you to the evil one forever. If Covid has not taught you that, you are not very clever. Be wiser than serpents, ask and you will be given. Choose God or money, you can’t serve 2 masters. It is easier for a camel to go through an eye of a needle than for a rich person to get into heaven. Blessed are the poor. When the economy collapses, in October, they will take any soulless body they can possess. The Mark, the micro-chips and the new vaccines and tattoos will make many soulless and it will become Hell on earth. Roving bands of demons from hell will be everywhere. That is why they want your guns, so they can do to all of you all over the earth, what they do in secret now, and have done secretly, since the beginning of time. They stay young with clones and they only lie. Never trust or believe anything the devil tells you. They can only LIE, they never tell the truth. They only convince you evil is good and good is evil, if you let them, like the covid scam.

  5. Ironic, as the satanists who run hollywood literally have those monarch slaves eat poop, engage in sodomy, bestiality, pedo, satanic rituals, blood sacrifices, etc. They are filled with demons, and those disgusting sins will bring more demons to keep those hollywood monarch slaves in line with satans goals. More evil and sin, more access and control for satan. They also make sure the kids they are training/torturing/demonizing break all the commandments of God YHVH, as that allows the demons to take control

  6. The super wealthy are spending a few billion a year doing genetic research to turn people young again. They are going to succeed. They have already figured it out in theory and are implementing it now. It involves attaching a virus programmed to replicate repaired DNA. Your DNA fraying and replicating itself with mistakes is why you get old. They are figuring out how to repair the DNA and keep it from decaying. they will give you a virus every few months for a period of years and your body will become young again. It sounds nuts but I am sure its going to work. I have read a ton about it and it makes sense. Aging is a disease and they are going to cure it. A professor at UCLA claims the first person to live to be 500 years old has already been born.

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