Koch Brothers: It’s Time To Destroy Trump

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The Koch brothers declare war on Trump

The Koch Brothers have declared war on the Trump administration and have vowed to unseat President Trump from the White House “by any means possible.”

The Koch Brothers’ political bank Freedom Partners have started the anti-Trump campaign by launching an ad that slams Trump’s tariffs on imported goods from China.

Bigleaguepolitics.com reports: Freedom Partners is trying to whip up backlash to the tariffs in order to hurt Trump’s policymaking potential, and it underscores how the traditional boogey-men of the media are actually part of the Resistance, too. When the entire Republican Establishment and Mitt Romney went hard against Trump, the Republican Party changed.

Now, NeverTrumpers are split between pretending to be Trump supporters and going along with it until they can get Nikki Haley or Mike Pence into office, or they’re just bitter and angry somewhere.

The Libertarian world is in turmoil right now because Trump supporters have been getting purged in favor of strictly establishment voices and progressives.

Here is a great piece that Alice Salles wrote for Big League Politics on how the libertarian movement, which the Kochs have long monopolized, has changed:

On April 19, The Cato Institute vice president of research Brink Lindsey tweeted his dislike for former congressman Ron Paul for his “hideous corruption of libertarian ideas.” Accusing the most important member of the Libertarian movement of spreading ideas that “[put] his movement in the Trumpism family tree,” the Cato scholar accused both the president and the former presidential candidate of being xenophobic…


  1. I can’t wait to see Trump Karma show up on these Koch bros doorstep. Koch is more for China than the USA .

  2. There is NOTHING made in China that can not be made in the good old USA. Send the Koch brothers to China. MAGA.

    • That is a good idea, then they can have access to Chinese toys, schools, baby bottles, banks, toenail polish, shops, booties, houses, Chinese currency etc. without any opportunity to interfere or molest Americans.

  3. so what if they replace him.. whoever takes his place will also be the work of satan… the devils game continues…until God decides it is time for it to stop…. Then we who are saved will celebrate satan going to hell…. the only thing is… most of the people reading this will also be going to hell… BUGGER…lol.. Accept Jesus while you still can peeps…

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