Le Pen Vows To Destroy Rothschild Cartel When Elected President

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French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen has vowed to regain national sovereignty by pulling France out of the eurozone, bringing back the French Franc, and debarring the Rothschild cartel.

French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen has vowed to regain national sovereignty by pulling France out of the eurozone, bringing back the French Franc, and debarring the Rothschild cartel from controlling the central bank. 

We need to control the currency, to adjust it too because today the single currency is a burden,” Le Pen told Le Parisien newspaper. “We will have a national currency like all other countries, and we will have a common currency together.”

Le Pen, who campaigned on undoing decades of globalist policies and holding a Brexit-style referendum should she win, said that the world’s sixth largest economy should abandon the “Rothschild controlled” euro currency in favor of a national currency that can be controlled by French interests.

We must control the currency and adapt it to the economy because today the single currency [the euro] is a ball and chain.

The differences between the candidates the French must choose from could not be more clear-cut – the former Rosthchild banker who was lured into the world of elite pedophiles as a teenager, or the woman who has vowed to debar Rothschild banks from France, regain national sovereignty, and destroy the pedophile rings running European politics from behind the scenes.

Referring to Emmanuel Macron, a former Rothschild banker who is married to the woman who taught him drama and seduced him while he was underage, Le Pen said:

It is no coincidence the elite are pushing for my rival to become President, by any means necessary. They need one of their own in power so they can continue their agenda.”

Emmanuel Macron, 39, and wife Brigitte, 64.

Macron is a former member of the Socialist Party, and an evangelist for further globalizing the French economy. He embraces open borders, immigration and the European Union with both arms and has criticized both Brexit and Donald Trump — even going so far as to offer “safe haven” to Americans who find themselves at odds with the current administration.

If Macron does win on 7 May, it is not certain how effective he would be as president as his party, En Marche!, has no seats in the French parliament. The fact the leader of the deeply unpopular party made it to the second round run-off for president with Le Pen is astonishing in itself, and proves how much influence the elite still exert on French national politics.

The elite are used to getting what they want in France, but hopefully not for long.

Le Pen, who has surged in polls against the establishment choice Macron this week, has outlined plans to “destroy the New World Order” when she is elected president, sending message to European elites that she will “dismantle their corrupt, self-serving institutions with my own two hands if I have to.”

The people have spoken and their message is clear: the New World Order is finished,” Marine Le Pen announced to a starstruck tour group at the headquarters of the National Front party west of Paris.

The elite are not safe hiding behind their propaganda fueled media institutions, making unaccountable decisions in Brussels, and silencing citizens who speak out against this insanity. When I am President a tidal wave of revulsion will be coming their way, the likes of which has never been seen before.


Baxter Dmitry
About Baxter Dmitry 6184 Articles
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.