Liberal Sweden Orders Destruction Of ‘Politically Incorrect’ Viking Artifacts

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Sweden is turning "politically incorrect" Viking artifacts into scrap metal because they don't fit with the nation's liberal agenda.

Sweden has been ordering the systematic destruction of newly found artifacts from the Iron Age and the Viking period because the archaeological artifacts remind embarrassed Swedes of their “barbaric past” when they rampaged all over Europe, raping and pillaging.

Coins, arrow heads, ritual amulets, weapons, jewellery and weights were studied in the past and stored proudly in museums so young Swedes could learn about their unique heritage. Now these artifacts are dumped into metal recycling bins upon discovery instead of being treasured and displayed.

The struggle to erase Swedish history, break down Swedish culture and force the Swedes to adapt to the globalist multicultural agenda is going according to plan.

Sweden are accelerating their cultural collapse by turning Viking artifacts into scrap metal.

ROK reports:

Following a recent surge in excavations aimed at construction that are occurring all over Sweden, the museum excavators are instructed to recycle unearthed iron elements into scrap metal following the pretext that “it would take too much resources to process, identify and store them.” The findings are usually quickly disposed of in order to make way for construction machines and building workers.

This was kept secret until this week’s declarations by Johan Runer, archaeologist at the said museum. He tried to raise the alarm before but only met indifference from the Liberal Swedish Media. According to Runer, this has been going on since at least 2016 as he recalls the example of an entire human settlement from the Bronze and Iron Age that discretely got levelled to allow road works for Sweden’s E6 motorway to progress. We do not know so far if this practice only incriminates this museum or is part of a greater scale.

Runer explains that the archaeologists cannot themselves auction the findings to the private sector as it would encourage crooks and robbers to then resell the treasure.

The true motive


The money argument for a national museum implanted in one of the most prosperous countries on Earth (for now, before the “New Swedes” do what they do best) does not make sense. There is no shortage of funds in Sweden to host more refugees and promote multiculturalism in every media, but the money seems to vanish when it’s time to preserve European common heritage.

The tragic aspect of this situation is that those construction works that unearth the artifacts destined to be destroyed are probably the new buildings needed to house the freshly arrived migrants that the Swedish government is so eager to welcome. Talk about full circle.

Archaeological artifacts made of iron are altered by time and roughened by the terrain. No one can really judge of their quality and uniqueness until they are being processed and restored. In this particular case, no chance is taken and anything made of metal that is not well conserved is ditched.

It was even kept relatively secret until one researcher who could not take it anymore had to tell the world. Why do they not invite other museums around the world to collect and protect their artifacts in their name if money is an issue?

Why don’t they store them in labelled wooden boxes as it was done for hundred of years? If not, let them ask for voluntary work to take care of the findings or let it be given to the native people that are interested in this culture. Even if used as door stops or cutlery, they’ll take better care of it than any Swedish liberal government.

Today Sweden, Tomorrow Us?

The leftoid cyborgs will be quick to declare “A few arrow heads and trinkets? So what? The Whites did the same yadi yada”.

This is where they are dead wrong. If we do not expose them and fight this lunacy, how will it stop? This story is just one more proof of the Left’s effort to shape the future of the their ugly world using the technique of the scorched earth.

Baxter Dmitry
About Baxter Dmitry 6184 Articles
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.