Is This Evidence of Scottish Independence Votes Being Rigged?

Fact checked by The People's Voice Community


In Dundee, a strong YES area, the count was suspended twice due to fire alarms. The turnout in the strong YES area of Dundee was 78.8%, which is lower than the 85% turnout in Scotland as a whole In Dundee, ‘Yes’ ballot papers were spotted on a ‘No’ table.

THE “integrity” of the electoral register in Scotland has been called into question ahead of this month’s historic referendum vote after it emerged yesterday that children as young as three have been registered to vote and received polling cards. Once this is achieved, a corrupt if not criminal, manual count will sway the election in favor of the Bank of England, of course with the help of their secret servants called the Mi5. That’s when the voter fraud and rigging begins, and in the end, all questions about the legitimacy of the vote cannot be settled once the evidence is destroyed. The process is already in place. The ballots are thrown away. Easy-peazy. recount re-count

Margot MacDonald, former deputy leader of the Scottish National Party, wrote to the boss of MI5, Andrew Parker (above) asking for an assurance that MI5 spies would not interfere in the referendum on independence for Scotland. In Dundee, a fire alarm led to the evacuation of the building where the vote was being counted

As recently as Sunday, Britain’s Queen Elizabeth expressed hope that Scottish voters think very carefully about the future before voting in Thursday’s independence referendum, adding, “Well, I hope people will think very carefully about the future.”

A day after the Queen’s remarks, British Prime Minister David Cameron warned the Scots against declaring independence from the UK. As a final push for the No campaign, Cameron said, “There’s no going back from this. No re-run. If Scotland votes ‘yes’, the UK will split and we will go our separate ways forever,” he said in an emotional manner.

This is while the British state broadcaster BBC has been accused of biased coverage against the independence of Scotland. Salmond has slammed the network for using a “dirty tricks campaign” to disrupt the outcome of this week’s referendum on Scottish independence. scotland scottish independence “scotland independence” “vote no” “vote yes” vote uk british “united kingdom” “great britain” ballot 2014 2015 future union england london evidence camera footage media news entertainment count counting “made in uk” “made in scotland” whiskey “scotch whiskey” campaign government election elite games trendy trending viral europe “european union” gbp pound gold oil edinburgh glasgow “elite nwo agenda” exposed truth contract contractor alex jones infowars rant gerald celente max keiser david icke anonymous spain italy quebec texas states u.s. usa illuminati bilderberg royal bloodlines citizenship daboo7 glenn beck coast to coast am lindsey williams louis farrakhan

In Glasgow, “Police are investigating ten cases of electoral fraud.”

Voters turned up at polling stations to find that people had already voted using their names. Police officers have remove the ballot papers concerned. The papers were from 10 different boxes across Glasgow, and not concentrated in one area. In Dundee, a strong YES area, the count was suspended twice due to fire alarms.


UPDATE:  There are currently two petitions circulating  asking for a revote.

Yes International Petition  Click Here

‘We the people of Scotland as eligible voters currently in the Constituent Sovereign Country of Scotland, part of the United Kingdom and lawful members of the European Union do hereby petition the Westminster Parliament, Scottish Parliament, European Parliament and the European Courts to enforce the terms of the Edinburgh Agreement.The wording of the Edinburgh Agreement being a signed document between consenting parties in the Referendum stipulates that the referendum must be “conducted so as to command the confidence of parliaments, governments and people.”We the people of Scotland do hereby state that the referendum was not conducted in such a manner and as such deem the result null and void’….. Petition   Click Here

‘Countless evidences of fraud during the recent Scottish Referendum have come to light, including two counts of votes being moved in bulk into a No pile, Yes votes clearly being seen in no piles and strange occurences with dual fire alarms and clear cut fraud in Glasgow. We demand a revote be taken of said referendum, where each vote shall be counted by two individuals, one of whom should be an international impartial party without a stake in the vote.’

Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15205 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.