NY Times Columnist: Communist China Is MUCH Better Than America

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NY Times columnist says China is much better than USA

New York Times columnist Tom Friedman claims China is a much better country than America due to their really fast trains.

Friedman has a long history of being a communist China sympathizer, spreading their propaganda and criticizing America at every given opportunity.

In an appearance on CNN’s Cuomo Prime Time on Monday, the NY Times writer argued that China was superior to America and didn’t need to deal with Republicans.

Newsbusters.org reports: After ominously suggesting Republicans were “living on borrowed time,” Friedman posed this question to his host: “But, you know what I’ve been thinking about, Chris, as I was listening to your show, the lead-in here. I was thinking, like, what are they doing in China today?”

Friedman then praised China for having a bullet train while some Americans had chosen to elect conspiracy theorist Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA):

You know, Chris, do you know that it takes four hours and 18 minutes to take the bullet train from Beijing to Shanghai? And it takes 21 hours to take the train from New York to Chicago. And they’re both about the same distance.

I can’t — I’ll tell you something they weren’t thinking about in China this week. They weren’t thinking about some knucklehead. They weren’t spending the week thinking about a knucklehead who claimed 9/11 didn’t happen. They weren’t thinking about some guy who is a Q-Anon shaman.

The fact that the country he was heaping praise on was actively operating concentration camps and torturing members of a religious minority wasn’t lost on Friedman. To address that reality, he simply brushed it aside, noting: “They were probably thinking about some bad stuff with the Uighurs and all of that, oh, for sure, but I guarantee you they weren’t wasting their time on this nonsense.”

Decrying America’s system of government and our precious freedoms because some kooks can gain notoriety was literally how Chinese propaganda tried to discredit the idea of civil liberties and oppress their people.

Friedman continued his anti-America rant by proclaiming we were utterly “unserious as a country”:

And how do we do this week after week, month after month, and think we are a serious country. We are so deeply unserious as a country right now. And we need to put this crap behind us. Okay? And get focused on the future because right now we are going to be falling farther and farther behind.

“And that’s what I am praying for Joe Biden because I think he’s a serious guy. He’s trying to do the right thing,” Friedman added. “And I think he is cursed by Republican Party that is chasing a madman who actually encouraged people to sack our Capitol….Shame on them. Shame, shame, shame, on them.”

All of this went completely criticized by Cuomo, who gave his guest an approving nod by saying: “I can add nothing. That sums it up in all its sadness and its different dimensions.”

Chris Cuomo’s silence on the smearing of America and praise for China was made possible because of lucrative sponsorships from ClearChoice and DirectTV. Their contact information is linked so you can tell them about the biased news they’re funding.

The transcript is below:

CNN’s Cuomo Prime Time
February 8, 2021
9:42:45 p.m. Eastern


TOM FRIEDMAN: But, you know what I’ve been thinking about, Chris, as I was listening to your show, the lead-in here. I was thinking, like, what are they doing in China today?

You know, Chris, do you know that it takes four hours and 18 minutes to take the bullet train from Beijing to Shanghai? And it takes 21 hours to take the train from New York to Chicago. And they’re both about the same distance.

I can’t — I’ll tell you something they weren’t thinking about in China this week. They weren’t thinking about some knucklehead. They weren’t spending the week thinking about a knucklehead who claimed 9/11 didn’t happen. They weren’t thinking about some guy who is a Qanon shaman. They were probably thinking about some bad stuff with the Uighurs and all of that, oh, for sure, but I guarantee you they weren’t wasting their time on this nonsense.

And how do we do this week after week, month after month, and think we are a serious country. We are so deeply unserious as a country right now. And we need to put this crap behind us. Okay? And get focused on the future because right now we are going to be falling farther and farther behind.

And that’s what’s really on my mind. And that’s what I am praying for Joe Biden because I think he’s a serious guy. He’s trying to do the right thing. And I think he is cursed by Republican Party that is chasing a madman who actually encouraged people to sack our capitol.

You have to stop and repeat that. They sacked our Capitol on the basis of a big lie and now a Republican majority is going to sit on their hands and be just fine with that. Shame on them. Shame, shame, shame, on them.

CUOMO: I can add nothing. That sums it up in all its sadness and its different dimensions.


Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15205 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.