Operation Yewtree: New Sex Abuse Suspects are ‘Untouchable’ Senior Policemen and Politicians

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The names of at least 12 public figures, including policemen and politicians, have been passed on to police investigating claims of historic sexual abuse.

Investigative reporter Mark Williams Thomas passed on the names to officers working under Operation Yewtree, the Metropolitan Police inquiry investigating sex abuse allegations in the wake of the Jimmy Savile scandal.

Thomas, who two years ago helped expose Savile as one of the most prolific paedophiles in British history by presenting a documentary first highlighting his abuse, said the new claims involve some “very powerful” people who are alleged to have committed sex abuse crimes between the 1950s and 1980s.

He added that unlike previous convictions such as Max Clifford, Rolf Harris, and Dave Lee Travis, none of the new suspects are celebrities but work for the government or local police.

He told the Sunday Mercury: “I know of another twelve public figures and that is a minimum. Sadly some of these people still remain untouchable because they are so powerful. Whilst huge progress has been made following Savile expose – some very powerful people still need to be brought to justice.”

He added: “It just takes one person brave enough to come forward. Then, as the investigations start to unfold, more victims tell their stories.

“The names I have supplied are senior police officers, politicians, local authority officials and senior civil servants – people with a lot to lose.”

Thomas claims there could be “dirty games played” in order to undermine any investigation into the new suspects and called for a proper inquity into the allegations.

“The offences date back to the 1960s, 70s, and 80s. Some go back to the 1950s,” he said. “The accused are old people now. If we leave it too long they will die or be dying, or have gone senile.”

Metropolitan Police said there have been no new arrests under Operation Yewtree.

Report By IBTimes (Source Link)

Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15205 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.