Over 50% Of Israelis Support Extrajudicial Killing Of Palestinians

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extrajudicial killing

Polls suggest that 53 percent of Israelis support the extrajudicial killing of suspected Palestinian attackers on the spot, even after they “no longer pose a threat.”

The result of the new poll comes after Israeli leaders called on the public and security forces to shoot dead any alleged Palestinian attacker on the spot.

Aljazeera reports:

Published by the Israel Democracy Institute, the poll’s findings reflect hardening attitudes among Jewish Israelis at a time when unrest has spread throughout Israel, the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip.

The poll examined the attitudes of Israeli citizens – both Jewish and Palestinian citizens of Israel – as tensions and unrest soar amid growing violence.

The study was conducted over two days in late October and interviewed 600 adults.

It also found that 80 percent of Israeli interviewees believe that the family homes of alleged Palestinian attackers should be demolished.

On Sunday, a Palestinian allegedly attempted to run over a group of Israelis near an illegal Jewish settlement in the northern West Bank, injuring four. He was shot dead by Israeli forces, according to an Israeli army spokesperson.

Later in the day, at least two Israelis – one of them a security guard at a West Bank settlement – were injured in stabbing incidents allegedly carried out by Palestinians.

Triggered by Israeli incursions into the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, Palestinian protests against Israel’s occupation started picking up steam in September.

Israeli forces responded with force, including the use of live ammunition and other less fatal weapons.

Since October 1, Israeli troops or settlers have killed at least 77 Palestinians, among them unarmed protesters, bystanders and suspected attackers. At least nine Israelis have been killed by Palestinians in stabbing, shooting or car-ramming incidents in the same period.


Israeli leaders have called on security forces to shoot suspected attackers on the spot, while others have urged civilians to take up arms since the latest bout of violence.

Edmondo Burr
About Edmondo Burr 3498 Articles
BA Economics/Statistics CEO