Pope Francis: Marx’s Doctrine More Important Than Teachings Of Christ

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Karl Marx must be considered a "father of Christianity" according to Pope Francis, who claims that Marx, the founder of Communism, has more influence in the contemporary Catholic Church than Jesus Christ.  

Karl Marx must be considered a “father of Christianity” according to Pope Francis, who claims that Marx, the founder of Communism, has more influence in the contemporary Catholic Church than Jesus Christ.  

According to L’Osservatore Romano, the Vatican City’s newspaper of record and Pope Francis’s personal mouthpiece, “Human rights without material participation remain incomplete. Without him (Karl Marx), there would not be any Catholic social doctrine.”

In the article “Marx in Controluce” published Sunday, the Vatican newspaper confirmed every American Christian’s worst fears regarding the jesuit Pope Francis’s reign in the Vatican. It is now clear the upper echelons of the Roman Catholic Church have been dangerously overrun with subversive globalists and Communists.

Going as far as suggesting the writings of Marx should be considered Christian doctrine, Pope Francis and his cardinals have reached a disturbing new point in their campaign to dismantle traditional Christianity.

The announcement by the Vatican marks a dramatic change of direction for the church. Pope John Paul II was one of the most outspoken opponents of Marxism and the Soviet bloc and was one of the chief architects who helped hasten its fall. Pope Benedict was also a fierce critic of godless totalitarian states, and the idea of Pope Francis’s predecessor praising Marx, a Jewish atheist, as a “father of the church” is simply unthinkable.

But this is exactly what Pope Francis has done. Should it come as any surprise? This is the pontiff who recently called on U.S. authorities to disarm the population. An avowed globalist, Pope Francis told the Italian newspaper La Repubblica last year that the United States of America has “a distorted vision of the world” and Americans must be ruled by a world government, as soon as possible, “for their own good.

The week before the Pope also called for “a one world government” and “political authority”, arguing that the creation of a one world government is needed to combat major issues such as “climate change.”

Speaking with Ecuador’s El Universo newspaper, the Pope said that the United Nations doesnt have enough power and must be granted full governmental control “for the good of humanity.

Pope Francis has also begun twisting Christian scripture to suit his heretical New World Order agenda, arguing that “Jesus became Satan” and instructing a congregation of 33,000 followers in St. Peter’s Square to avoid having personal relationships with Jesus as they are “harmful and dangerous.”

While a minority of diehard Catholics continue to defend the jesuit Pope, there is an uprising in the church, led by senior Vatican cardinals, determined to ouster him, claiming that he is an interloper and a threat to Christianity around the world.

Others deep inside the power corridors of the Vatican have gone as far as President Putin went last year by claiming Pope Francis is “not a man of God” and was installed by a radical leftist coup orchestrated by Barack Obama, George Soros, Hillary Clinton and other globalist power players.

WikiLeaks emails provide some evidence to support this theory regarding Pope Francis’s shock ascension to the highest office in the Vatican, displacing Pope Benedict, a staunch conservative who was determined to insulate the church from the current vogue for radical left social politics.

The globalization movement cannot be underestimated. It is the process of transitioning the world into a single state ruled by a global government while eroding the rights of the individual and taking away our freedoms. World religious leaders, led by the increasingly anti-Christian Pope Francis, are playing a leading role in this great deception.

Close observers of Pope Francis will have noticed he is determined to steer his flock away from Jesus Christ. The pontiff who held Islamic prayers in the Vatican, and later warned his followers not to enter into a personal relationship with Jesus, is a ravenous wolf disguised as a white sheep.

Baxter Dmitry
About Baxter Dmitry 6184 Articles
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.