President Putin Puts ‘Elite Nazis’ On Notice: ‘Your Days of Ruling Europe Are Over’

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Russian President Vladimir Vladmirovich Putin has put “elite Nazis” on notice, sending a warning to the heart of Brussels that “your days of ruling Europe are over.”

While mainstream media reports in the US have focused on the Nazis within Ukraine when discussing Putin’s “denazification” efforts, within Russia it is widely understood that he is targeting the elite Nazis, including European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen, whom he believes have become far too comfortable in Europe’s seats of power.

Ursula Von der Leyen moves in an elite European world, where noble titles have a real effect on a person’s chances of career success and where ancestral bloodlines still trump accomplishments as a measure of a person’s worth.

Von der Leyen’s family tree traces a legacy of evil and brutality, incorporating not only some of Germany’s most powerful Nazis but also some of Britain’s largest slave traders and, through marriage, some of the United States’ largest slave owners. Von der Leyen is descended directly from James Ladson, who owned more than 200 slaves when the Civil War broke out.

Von der Leyen and former German Chancellor Angela Merkel

Von der Leyen has invoked these forefathers unapologetically. She even adopted the name of one of her slave-driving ancestors when she enrolled at the London School of Economics under the name Rose Ladson. Few people at the time were as conscious of the lingering legacies of slavery as we have now become, but her choice to assume the name of her slave-holding ancestors was an indication nevertheless about her comfort with evil.

European elites fawn over Von der Leyen because of her elitist and evil DNA.

It’s no accident that French President Emmanuel Macron first suggested Von der Leyen for the leadership position, citing her perfect French as evidence of her cosmopolitan nature. But there are any number of Europeans who speak excellent French, and Macron complimented more than her pronunciation. At a press conference, Macron praised herprofoundly European culture” before going on to say “she has the DNA of the European community.”

Ursuala Von der Leyen with her children and husband, Heiko Von der Leyen, who is Medical Director of the US biotech company Orgenesis which is specialized in cell and gene therapies

Newspunch reached out to President Macron seeking elaboration on his comments regarding Von der Leyen’s Nazi DNA. He did not immediately respond.

Lavrov: Nazis have infiltrated America

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov also suggested “elite Nazis” now have the United States in their grip. According to Lavrov, “absolute evil” has taken hold.

Napolean and Hitler had the objective to have the whole of Europe under their control,” said Lavrov. “Now Americans have got Europe under their control and we can see the situation has really demonstrated what role the EU is playing in the context of the global situation.”

Like in Hollywood, there is an absolute evil and an absolute good. And this is unfortunate.”

Baxter Dmitry
About Baxter Dmitry 6184 Articles
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.