Scalise Digs Up Some Russian Obama Dirt – Totally Buries Trump’s Critics

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As most conservative Americans understand, the mainstream media is completely biased in favor of liberal politicians — in particular, former president Barack Obama.

As most conservative Americans understand, the mainstream media is completely biased in favor of liberal politicians — in particular, former president Barack Obama.

Barack Obama presided over the most corrupt administration in history, and he was allowed to get away with it because the cheerleading media gave him and his cronies (Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, etc) a free pass.

Meanwhile liberals across the United States completely swallowed Hillary Clinton’s ridiculous, evidence-free conspiracy theory regarding the notion that Russia somehow meddled in the 2016 election and secured the presidency for Donald Trump.

As cries of outrage toward President Trump continue to get louder by the day regarding these claims of collusion, it’s as if liberals and their close friends in media circles have completely forgotten what actually occurred when Barack Obama was in the White House.

Since mainstream media would never publish anything critical of Obama, Rep. Steve Scalise — the congressman who survived an attack on his life by a violent and deranged liberal conspiracy theorist last year — reminded the American people of exactly what took place between Russia and the United States during the Obama years.

“President @realDonaldTrump went into this meeting with Putin from a position of American strength to combat Russian aggression, but it’s important to remember how Russia was allowed to get to this point,” Scalise tweeted.

Conservative Tribune reports:

There certainly were numerous ways “Russia was allowed to get to that point.”

Scalise started with the year 2009, when then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gleefully presented a plastic “reset button” to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to reset relations with Russia and the United States, as if the gesture undid all the wrongs Russia committed against the U.S. and our allies.

Then, there was March 2012. Obama promised then-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev that he would have more “flexibility” on missile defense after being reelected.

“This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility,” Obama said.

“I understand,” Medvedev replied. “I will transmit this information to Vladimir, and I stand with you.”

Of course, Obama never intended anyone to hear this, but it was all caught on a hot-mic.

During a presidential debate in 2012, candidate Mitt Romney called Russia our top geopolitical foe, only to be mocked by Obama — as well as other Democratic leaders and the media who said Romney’s stance was “outdated” and “a throwback to the Cold War.”

Then there was August 2013 when Obama refused to enforce the so-called “red line” he had drawn with Russia-backed Syria against the use of chemical weapons.

Less than a year later, Obama showed his weakness once again when he did absolutely nothing after Putin annexed the Crimean peninsula.

In a final tweet, Scalise backed our current president who he’s confident will not choke in the face of Russia like Obama did.

“June 2017: Senior Obama administration official admits they ‘sort of choked’ when it came to dealing with Russia. President @realDonaldTrump won’t choke like President Obama did,” Scalise wrote.

A quick review of history is all it takes to reveal the stunning hypocrisy from the left and the liberal media on this issue.

Thanks to people like Scalise, the American people won’t be forgetting that history anytime soon.

Baxter Dmitry
About Baxter Dmitry 6184 Articles
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.