Second ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ Reader Exposed As A Pedophile

Fact checked by The People's Voice Community

It has been discovered that a second Houston Public Library Drag Queen was convicted of multiple sexual assaults against young children

The pedophile who was involved with the reading of LGBT books to young children during public library events known as “Drag Queen Story Hour”, was outed as a convicted sex offender and pedophile, as well as a “transgender prostitute.”

And, this is not the first such incidence….back in March the Houston Public Library was forced to apologize to parents after a man who had volunteered to read to children during the DQSH also turned out to be a registered child sex offender.

Why would anyone subject their our children to these deviants?

Natural New reports: According to records uncovered by MassResistance, William Travis Dees, the drag queen in question, is a current member of the “Space City Sisters” drag queen group. He’s also repeatedly volunteered as a “greeter” for young children at various DQSH events, as well as assumed other roles at these events that allowed him close access to underage children.

As it turns out, Dees has a rap sheet of heinous sex crimes that he committed against children as young as four that dates back as far as 2004. It was that same year, in fact, that Dees was convicted and jailed for committing sex crimes against not just one but four different prepubescent children, ranging in age from four to eight. 

Dees also reportedly used different aliases for his various drag “characters” and “personas,” constantly shifting and altering who he was like a chameleon. But since Dees was 16 years old at the time of his 2004 conviction, his records were “sealed” and never posted on government websites – though other sex-offender record sources did, in fact, publish this information publicly.

For more related news about how many members of the Cult of LGBT are deviant sex criminals, be sure to check out

Photos of Dees depict him and other “drag queens” holding symbols of pedophilia, mocking Catholicism

It’s important to keep in mind that, despite Dees’ criminal records having been sealed, his sexual deviance and abhorrent behaviors and lifestyle habits have been in plain view for a long time – including in a very recent photo that he and several other “drag queens” took outside of the Houston Public Library for a social media photo-op promoting DQSH.

In the photo, Dees is seen wearing a bizarre outfit bearing the colors of light blue, pink, purple, and white, which are indicative of transgenderism. His “friends” are depicted in the photo dressed as Catholic nuns as a sign of mockery, with one holding a rubber chicken, which in LGBT symbolism stands for pedophilia.

“Drag Queen Story Hour” participants pose outside Houston Public Library for social media photo. Houston MassResistance has exposed man at left as child sex offender. Note rubber chicken — a “gay” symbol for pederasty.

According to information uncovered by MassResistance, the “Space City Sisters” drag group is known for cross-dressing events that specifically target the Catholic Church as acts of mockery. Drag queens that call themselves the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” parade around the streets in “garish and hideous parodies of Catholic nuns” for the purpose of mocking Catholicism, investigations reveal.

These “sisters” apparently participate in DQSH events as well, openly mocking the Christian faith in front of mere babies, whose deranged parents somehow see it as appropriate to expose their innocent children to some of the most deviant perversions known to mankind.

As for Dees, he’s also a proud transgender whore, having written a graphic article under the alias of “Elizabeth Davidson” that talks about his many promiscuous sexual escapades, which involve things like bondage and sado-masochism.

It’s something that’s actually more common than it is the exception within the transgender and drag queen communities, as the mentally-deranged individuals who identify as such are generally disease-spreading perverts with severe mental derangement.

While this whole fiasco did prompt the Houston Public Library to shut down DQSH events, this decision appears to only be temporary until public outrage subsides. Worse is the fact that almost no local media picked up the story, meaning many mainstream media consumers don’t even know the truth, and thus aren’t being afforded the chance to decide for themselves, based on actual facts, whether or not DQSH events are healthy and safe for impressionable young ones.

Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15207 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.