The Tories And UKIP Prepare To Work Together

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The Tories And UKIP Prepare To Work Together

It looks like the Conservative party are getting ready for another coalition, only this time with Ukip.

The NewStatesman Reports: Today, a prominent Tory in Thurrock has announced they are backing Ukip. These latest humiliations are a further sign that even the Tories know David Cameron cannot win a majority, but also that the two parties are slowly becoming an alliance of people as well as policy.

David Cameron has failed to shoot Ukip’s fox, as was once his target, and now craves their support. He has gone from calling Nigel Farage’s band a party of “fruitcakes loonies and closet racists” to yesterday saying that his party was the natural “home” for Ukip supporters.

Such has been David Cameron’s capitulation to Ukip that he has not only promised a referendum he once argued against, giving up our national influence overseas on the way, but he is now preparing to work with Ukip after the election.

David Cameron, George Osborne and a host of Tory Cabinet Ministers have repeatedly been asked to rule out working with Ukip after the election, but have refused to do so.

And despite their denials, the terms of a deal have been set. Nigel Farage has said he wants an early in/out referendum on Britain’s membership of the EU in exchange for supporting the Tories, something David Cameron has said he would be “delighted” to offer.

There is also now a growing number of Conservative MPs calling for a deal with UKIP – alongside the two who have already crossed the floor – and even greater support amongst grassroots Conservatives, with reports that almost half of Conservative activists want David Cameron to forge some sort of alliance before the election.

Indeed, the desire for a deal is so strong that some Tories are reportedly already striking deals with Ukip up and down the country in key marginals

Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15205 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.