Trump Lawyer Jenna Ellis Receiving Threats

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Jenna Ellis

Jenna Ellis, senior legal adviser to the Trump campaign, has been receiving threats, late night phone calls from unknown numbers and public calls for her disbarment.

Ellis told Breitbart News via direct message (DM) on Wednesday that she had received “Hundreds of DMs and messages etc threatening me.”

Breitbart reports: Some threats have been public, like attempts to have her disbarred and encouraging the public to file Bar complaints.

Others have been more direct — and less subtle.

She added: “CNN reporter messaged today accusing me of my bar license being lapsed. Unknown number has called my cell dozens of times between midnight and 4am to blow up my phone and try to get through the DND [do not disturb].”

Ellis provided Breitbart News with a screen grab of text messages from an unknown person who attempted to provoke her to respond, ending with: “You’re a f**king c**t. You’re the reason people despise humanity. You deserved to be raped.”

Other Trump attorneys have been harassed, including by the Lincoln Project, a group of Never Trump Republicans who have encouraged the public to harass law firms taking up the president’s case.

The mainstream media has defended these efforts; the Washington Post, for example, published an op-ed Nov. 12 titled “Yes, going after Trump’s law firms is fair game.” Trump’s lawyers in Pennsylvania withdrew the following day, reportedly because of threats.

Joe Biden has not said anything about the threats against Trump’s legal team, as scholar Jonathan Turley has noted.

“When such actions were taken against lawyers representing civil rights groups and others in the 1960s, it was correctly denounced as an outrageous abuse of our legal system,” Turley tweeted this week. “Now it has become a campaign supported by politicians, lawyers, and the media.”

Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15205 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.