Trump Says He Was Never A Fan, But ‘Michelle Obama & Hillary Clinton Loved Harvey Weinstein.’

Fact checked by The People's Voice Community

President Donald Trump said that the conviction of Harvey Weinstein was a ‘great victory’ for women.

He also said that he was never a fan of the disgraced movie mogul but that Democrats inluding Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton were big ‘fans’

‘The people who liked him were the Democrats. Michelle Obama loved him, loved him. Hillary Clinton loved him,’ he said during a press conference in New Delhi. 

‘I was never a fan of Harvey, as you know,’ he said. ‘He was a person I didn’t like. The people who liked him were the Democrats. Michelle Obama loved him, Hillary Clinton loved him,’ he said during a press conference in New Delhi

The Mail Online rpeorts: Trump said that Weinstein gave ‘tremendous amounts’ to the  Democrats and added: ‘My question is will they return the money?’

He also called the conviction a ‘great victory’ for women that ‘sends a very strong message’ for the #MeToo movement against that kind of behavior toward women.

‘I think from the point of view of women, it is a great day, a great victory.’ 

Trump himself stands accused of sexually inappropriate behavior by more than a dozen women when he was a private citizen and has denied the allegations.

Weinstein’s links to the Democratic party are well-documented. 

Weinstein and his family have donated more than $1.4 million to political causes in the 1992 election cycle, according to the Associated Press, mainly to Democrats.

Specifically, the disgraced movie mogul gave $3,000 to former President Bill Clinton’s reelection campaign in 2000, more than $26,000 to campaigns or political action committees Hillary Clinton’s various political bids since 2000, and more than $45,000 to campaigns or super PACs supporting Barack Obama in his two presidential races.

Weinstein also donated $250,000 to The Clinton Foundation, which it has refused to return, saying it had spent it already.

The Obama family was also directly linked to Weinstein by their eldest daughter Malia being an intern at his company in the summer of 2017.

In 2013, Michelle Obama called Weinstein ‘a powerhouse’ and ‘wonderful’ as she praised him at a White House reception.

However Trump’s claim to simply know Weinstein ‘because he was in New York,’ and that he was ‘never a fan’ is despite photographs showing him attending the premier of NINE in 2009, one of the disgraced movie mogul’s productions, and posing with him and both their wives.

Weinstein was in Bellevue Hospital in New York when Trump spoke about him in India, having been taken there after claiming he was unwell while on his way to Riker’s Island where he was to be held to wait for sentencing next month.

Weinstein was rushed to hospital by ambulance on Monday, shortly after being found guilty of raping and sexual assaulting two women. 

The disgraced Hollywood producer was said to have been redirected to Bellevue Hospital Center after suffering chest pains while on the way to Rikers Island prison. 

A rep later confirmed he was suffering from high blood pressure and having heart palpitations.

It is thought the 67-year-old was still in hospital this morning as he had not been seen leaving the medical facility. 

Although Weinstein has a history of diabetes and back problems, a source told the New York Post he was ‘faking it a little bit’.

The movie mogul is reportedly being held in the hospital’s prison ward under close watch by corrections officers, but is not handcuffed to his bed.  

Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15205 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.