Trump To Pressure Foreign Governments To Probe Clinton Foundation

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Trump To Pressure Foreign Governments To Probe Clinton Foundation

Donald Trump is reportedly planning to pressure foreign governments to investigate the Clinton Foundation’s financial dealings.

During one of his campaign debates, Trump said that once he was in office he would appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary Clinton over her use of a private email server and her involvement in the Clinton Foundation.

“You’d be in jail,” he warned his presidential rival if he were to win the election.

After his election victory Trump made a U-turn on that threat, although, according to the New York Post, the Trump administration will  pressure American ambassadors to encourage foreign governments to probe the Clinton Foundation’s finances.


Press TV reports:

“Haiti and Colombia will be key diplomatic posts for this ­because of all the money ­involved,” the newspaper reported on Sunday, quoting a source said to be close to Trump.

According to recently leaked emails, people with ties to the Clinton Foundation were given priority by the State Department to receive federal funds in the wake of the Haitian earthquake, the report said.

Founded by former US President Bill Clinton in 1997, the Clinton Foundation has come under bipartisan fire for accepting foreign donations in exchange for influence.

According to leaked emails belonging to Clinton’s confidants, like John Podesta, there seems to have been some connections between the State Department and the Clinton Foundation, back when Hillary Clinton was in charge.

In one of the conversations, a foundation official named Doug Band tells Clinton’s top aide Huma Abedin to make sure that a Lebanese national gets a certain job at the department.

Clinton has also come under fire for using a private email account and server at her home in New York for official emails when she was America’s top diplomat between 2009 and 2013.

Trump has also blasted Clinton’s use of the private email server while secretary of state, and her decision to delete some 33,000 emails, calling it a scandal that is “worse than Watergate.”

Although Clinton was once cleared of all charges regarding her possible mishandling of government secrets, but Trump wants to reopen the case. 

Since Trump’s election victory, several foreign governments have already decided to scale down or cut their financial ties with the Clinton Foundation .

The list includes France, Australia and Norway.

Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15205 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.