US Judge Pleads Guilty To Shocking Defendant With 50,000 Volts

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US judge

A  US judge who ordered a deputy to remotely shock a defendant with a 50,000-volt charge, pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor civil rights violation in federal court Monday.

A man representing himself in a Maryland court in 2014 was shocked with 50,000 volts of electricity because he continued to speak when the judge ordered to him stop.

Maryland Judge Robert Nalley pleaded guilty on Monday to depriving the defendant of his civil right and faces a maximum of one year in prison when sentenced later this year.

The Free Thought Project reports:

The charge stems from an encounter between the judge and victim Delvon King in July of 2014, when King was appearing before Judge Nalley to face gun charges. King had a shocker anklet attached to him, which was supposed to be used in case of an emergency situation, or if King were to attempt to escape or hurt anyone.

In the court, King attempted to make his case but was constantly interrupted by the judge who repeatedly told him to be quiet. When King continued to make his case to the court, Judge Nalley told the court deputy “Mr Sheriff, do it… use it,” at which point 50,000 volts of electricity were sent through King’s body, causing him to scream in pain. The court transcript read, “DEFENDANT SCREAMS.”

King later described the situation to reporters, saying that he experienced “Excruciating pain then, and a burning sensation.”

“It burned the rest of the day. Messed me up mentally. I don’t really remember that part. Just next thing I know, I’m on the ground,” King added.

The U.S attorney said that Judge Nalley acted as if he was above the law, and that this conviction should be a message to other state employees that they should treat the people that they encounter as equals.

“It’s not about race. It’s about power. It’s about a judge who abused the power vested in him to order a defendant to be punished essentially before he was convicted of any crime,” the attorney said.

However, Judge Nalley may end up getting off easy, with his defense asking for just one year of probation, a sentence that is lighter than most marijuana offenders receive in some states. The charge against Nalley was also weak, as he did not simply deprive a man of his civil rights, but he tortured him. Under any other circumstances, Nalley’s actions would have been considered torture, but since he did it under the sanction of his place in government, he was given a pass.

Nalley is still awaiting sentencing from a federal magistrate, who will decide if the judge will receive probation as requested, or if he will actually see jail time.

Witnesses at the recent trial noted that the judge did not show any signs of remorse.

Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15205 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.