Video: Push For ‘Cashless Society’ By Closing Bank Branches

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Video: Push For 'Cashless Society' By Closing Bank Branches

The banks are closing branches and making people use the internet for their banking. All part of the criminal banks and criminal government (as per Bilderberg plan), to make it a cashless society.

Once cash is gone, the terrorism of the bankers and government will commence.

Mega Corp needs a bailout, press of button and your savings are moved to the corporation. Didn’t vote “the right way” at an election, press of button you are a non person who can’t exist without the electronic money. This is planned terrorism.

Wake up people!

Activist post report:

Notice how the “reporter” scowls when she mentions going to a brick-and-mortar bank and how gleeful she is when discussing the use of online banking. No need for bricks and mortar, just hand over all your data, finances and business transactions to the bank and they will be happy to handle it for you!!

The same banks that, just this past week, were “fined” for rigging interest rates on a global scale. The same banks that have been “fined” for drug money laundering, funding terrorist organizations and rigging most of the equities markets around the world. You know the accounts – YOUR 401k and IRA accounts!! They are coming for your cash and they are not going to sleep until they get it.

All that is needed is a group of really “cool, hip” young people gleefully dancing around and singing the praises of being cashless and not “wasting time” with “out-dated” brick-and-mortar banks. Voila! It is now the “next big thing”.

Another way, and this started many years ago under the guise of “security”, is simply to not have cash available for transactions at the business itself. I was recently in a store and the cashier informed they did not have change for a $100 bill. It hit me that this has been happening for a great many years, no change for a $100 or $50, and this is one of the ways they can “train” people to go cashless. Next step, inability to make change for $20. All under the nonsensical “security” umbrella. You know you have experienced exactly what I am referencing, maybe even very recently.

How do we fight this insidious ever encroaching cashless nightmare? It’s very simple. We begin using as much cash as possible. Walk out of the store when they are unable to make change for your $100 or $50 and take your business elsewhere. Will you do it? Will you “suffer the inconvenience”? I doubt it. We have become lazy, arrogant and want someone else to do the actual work while we enjoy the benefits of their labor. A cashless society is right around the corner and the financial and economic nightmare that is unfolding right in front of us will be ramped up to warp-drive.

Youtube video by liarpoliticians

Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15205 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.