Violence During Mass Eviction At Estate In North London

Fact checked by The People's Voice Community
north London

Enforcement officers from the high court armed with sledgehammers and battering rams battled to evict more than 100 people from the Sweets Way housing estate in north London

Bailiffs arrived at 8am on Wednesday morning and have been trying to evict the last remaining people. Many have barricaded themselves into their houses or have climbed onto rooftops to avoid officers.

There were violent clashes between court officers, police and protesters.

The estate has been occupied by housing activists protesting the eviction of several families, many of whom were previously homeless.

RT reports: The move comes six months after the Sweets Way estate was occupied by housing protesters after the eviction of several families.

Fire engines, ambulances and police dog teams have been at the scene throughout the day.

Some of the residents have been carried out of their homes, while others were given ten minutes warning before their doors were battered down.

There have been reports of one resident receiving cuts to the face, after a window was smashed by bailiffs.

The eviction is the latest in an ongoing battle by a collection of residents, squatters and housing protesters over the redevelopment of the estate.

Comedian and self-styled revolutionary Russell Brand brought the cause to the nation’s attention, when he joined a demonstration earlier in the year.

“We were scared,” Carolina, 33, told the Guardian.

“They pushed in the doors and about eight of the officers came into each house. It is just unfair. Winter is coming and the number of homeless is growing.”

She claimed she now had nowhere to live.

Jay and BiBi, who had been squatting in the estate in recent months, told the Guardian they were also now homeless. “We are going to get a train into central London and try and sleep under a building,” Jay said.

“Some people have places to stay, but we are homeless. We are going to sleep rough. It is just part of this corrupt system. When I was working if I had been paid double, worked twice as many hours and saved everything, I would only have been able to afford a £100,000 house and what can you buy for that.”

The properties will be taken over by Annington Homes, which will tear down the 142 houses and replace them with 288 new abodes. They insist that at least 59 will be classed as ‘affordable’.

Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15205 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.