WEF Police Lock Up Swiss Cardiologist for Speaking Out Against COVID Mandates

Fact checked by The People's Voice Community
A cardiologist with a doctorate in immunology and virology who has held a private practice for 24 years has revealed that the WEF-aligned Swiss state forcibly placed him in a psychiatric institution to be examined for mental illness in response to his public condemnation of COVID restrictions as unscientific.

A cardiologist with a doctorate in immunology and virology who has held a private practice for 24 years has revealed that the WEF-aligned Swiss state forcibly placed him in a psychiatric institution to be examined for mental illness in response to his public condemnation of COVID restrictions as unscientific.

On April 9, 2020, Dr. Thomas Binder posted to his blog an analysis of COVID-19, arguing that the government’s response was unscientific and inhumane. Dr. Binder’s blog post received 20,000 views.

He hoped it would encourage people to think for themselves and question the authoritarian response of the government, but it appears he was asking for too much in the land of Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum.

Instead of sparking a healthy discussion about the science behind lockdowns and mandates, Dr. Binder found himself confronted by armed police officers including anti-terrorist units.

Two colleagues had alerted the chief of state police, claiming Dr. Binder was a threat to himself, his community and the government. On the day before Easter of 2020, he was confronted outside his home by about 60 armed police officers, including 20 with the canton of Aargau’s anti-terrorism unit, ARGUS.

In a video interview with independent reporter Taylor Hudak, Binder revealed that after examining his online posts and messages, police finally concluded he was not a terrorist. But the officers weren’t finished with him yet and sent the doctor to a hospital to examine his mental health, after which he was diagnosed with “corona insanity” and placed in a psychiatric unit.

Binder was released on the condition he take psychiatric medication and continues to practice medicine in Switzerland.

“These are really Soviet-style, [East German]-style psychiatry methods,” he said.

Watch his interview with Taylor Hudak below:

In the Soviet Union, political opposition to the Communist Party’s quest for a utopian state typically were deemed to be mentally ill and often were held in psychiatric hospitals. Some were diagnosed with “diseases” such as “sluggish schizophrenia,” having manifest symptoms such as “delusions of reformism.”

Now we are seeing the same tactics in the United States and Western Europe.

In January, Maine’s medical licensing board required veteran physician and epidemiologist Dr. Meryl Nass to undergo a psychological examination after suspending her license for allegedly spreading “misinformation” about COVID-19.

Binder is a board member of the Swiss chapter of the World Council of Health, led by Dr. Tess Lawrie and others. He’s also a member of Doctors for Covid Ethics and German Physicians and Scientists for Health, Freedom and Democracy.

If the authorities can deem him mentally ill and force him to take medication in order to enjoy his god given right to freedom, then they can do it to any of us.

While Dr. Binder was in the psychiatric institution and digesting his forced medication, Klaus Schwab was speaking with Ursula von der Lyen, praising the European Chips Act with the EU Commissioner. According to Schwab, the act is “An important step to create the physical brain for digitization.”

So there you have it. Two unelected world leaders, both descended from prominent World War 2 Nazis, discussing a new law that will usher in an era of “digitized” human brains.

Dr. Binder’s treatment by the Swiss authorities reveals exactly what the elites are planning to do with our brains.

If you are not terrified by now, you are probably on the same medication they forced Dr. Binder to take. This is the future we have to fight against. The WEF’s plans are so extreme that you have to take a stand. You are either with them or against them. If you support our cause, please like this video and subscribe to the channel so we can continue to expose the evil plans of the elite. We can’t do it without you.


Baxter Dmitry
About Baxter Dmitry 6184 Articles
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.