WEF To Spray Chemtrails Into The Sky To Dim Our Sun

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In a recent TikTok video aimed at children, the World Economic Forum (WEF) admits they are planning to spray lethal chemicals into Earth's atmosphere to "help reverse climate change."

In a recent TikTok video aimed at children, the World Economic Forum (WEF) admits they are planning to spray lethal chemicals into Earth’s atmosphere to “help reverse climate change.”

The WEF suggests using a “raft” of “space bubbles” about “the size of Brazil” to reflect the Sun’s rays away from Earth. Buckle up, folks. This is another case of “conspiracy theory” becoming “conspiracy fact.”

This is where things get really disturbing. The WEF is actively trying to brainwash our children and normalize geoengineering.


The WEF adds that the MIT researchers say it “might be too risky,” though, and have “unintended consequences for the biosphere.”

You think?

The inspiration behind Klaus Schwab’s latest plan for humanity came from a devastating natural disaster. The volcano Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines erupted in 1991, killing more than 700 people and leaving more than 200,000 homeless. But it also gave scientists the chance to monitor the consequences of a vast chemical cloud in the stratosphere.

Make no mistake, Klaus Schwab and the WEF are trying to recreate one of the world’s most devastating natural disasters, while selling it as a plan to “fix global warming?”

Are they mocking us? Is this some kind of sick fetish?

Klaus Schwab isn’t the only one. Self-appointed World Health Czar Bill Gates is also playing God and has been trying to spray toxic chemicals into the Earth’s atmosphere for years.

In 2019, Gates ran 300 stratospheric balloon tests to see if it was possible to launch devices capable of spraying lethal sun-reflecting chemicals into the stratosphere.

Many experts, including leading climatologists slammed Bill Gates’ plan to spray chemicals above the Earth’s surface in order to “dim the sun” and “fix global warming” — and a member of the Harvard team working on Gates’ project has even admitted the plan is “terrifying.”

Creating a gigantic chemical sunshade for the Earth, inspired by a natural disaster that left hundreds dead and many more homeless, may come at a high price.

One fear is that spreading dust into the stratosphere may damage the ozone layer that protects us from hazardous ultraviolet radiation which can damage human DNA and cause cancers.

Climatologists are also concerned that such tinkering will unintentionally disrupt the circulation of ocean currents that regulate our weather.

This itself could unleash a global outbreak of extreme climatic events that will devastate farmland, wipe out entire species and create disease epidemics. 

The potential for disaster does not end there. Trying to dim the Sun’s rays would likely create climate winners and losers.

Bill Gates and the WEF might be able to set the perfect climatic conditions for farmers in one part of the world, but at the same time this setting would wreak havoc in other parts of the world.

It’s just not possible to change the temperature in one part of the world and not disturb the rest. Everything in the world is interconnected.

Perhaps its best we leave the earth alone?


Baxter Dmitry
About Baxter Dmitry 6184 Articles
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.