Jenner Sex Change Used To Push Illuminati Agenda?

Fact checked by The People's Voice Community

Growing up in the ‘wrong’ body is wholly traumatic for transgender people, but their pain is usually a private thing. In the same way, transgender folk who are fortunate enough to be able to have sex reassignment surgery tend to keep the process pretty much to themselves. It’s a personal journey, one which very few others will understand. The ‘birth’ of a transgender person into their new identity is usually a slow and gradual process, so they can slip into their new gender with ease and without too much fuss.

Not so, however, for TV star and former athlete Bruce Jenner, whose transformation not only seemed to occur overnight, but was received with a massive metaphorical fanfare and a flurry of media attention.

Bruce – now Caitlyn – could have stepped quietly from the spotlight after his divorce, but instead was catapulted to further fame with the news of his sex change.  The newspapers have rejoiced, TV channels have cheered – even the president of the US himself praised Jenner for being so brave. SO brave, in fact, that Jenner is now up for an Arthur Ashe Courage Award, pipping all kinds of other truly courageous souls to the post. While such positive attention can only be seen as a step forward for transgender people worldwide, the frenzied nature of the attention – and the amount of it – was amazing, if not baffling.

So is this story all that it seems? Could there be a more sinister reason for the sensationalising of this one individual’s ‘triumph over (near) tragedy’? An article  written earlier this week in Vigilant Citizen, in which Jenner is described as a”transgendered media pawn” seems to think so. Here’s what the site has to say:

Bruce Jenner is now known as Caitlyn Jenner and, for some reason, all media outlets have converged to turn this personal transformation into a massive, all-encompassing media event. Why is that? Because Jenner’s transformation was not personal, it is a planned event meant to support an ongoing agenda.

After the 1976 Montreal Olympic Games, Bruce Jenner was an American hero and was dubbed “the world’s greatest athlete”. He then embarked in a movie and television career, which solidified his near-superhero mystique in popular culture.

After his marriage with Kris Houghton and his involvement with Keeping Up with the Kardashians, most of that mystique was gone. He was part of the Kardashian experiment, the family that was built by mass media and for mass media, from absolutely nothing, to monopolize the attention of masses. From sex tapes, to relationship rumors, to butt pics that are supposed to “break the internet”, to celeb marriages, to young girls becoming sexualized at a young age, the Kardashians constantly seek media attention for all kinds of purposes. Bruce Jenner’s story is yet another chapter in that story. And, like most of the “events” involving the Kardashians, Jenner’s transformation was meticulously planned with perfect mass media coverage to gain worldwide attention.

Before I go further (and because some people like to put words in my mouth), I need to emphasize that I do not think that all transgenders are “evil” nor that they are part of a sinister Agenda. If one feels more comfortable and happier living as the opposite sex, well that’s their business and not mine. As a staunch proponent of true freedom, I will never judge a person who took a personal decision to live a better life. Bruce Jenner’s sex change, however, was everything but personal. It was an orchestrated media event, blown-up to proportions so grand that it is turned into a grand ritual, a staged ceremony meant to push an agenda.

Following the Script

Like the rest of the Kardashians, Bruce Jenner’s fame in 2015 (which is almost 40 years after winning his gold medal), is solely due to mass media keeping him famous. In other words, he is famous because he’s famous. And he stays famous because the elite is using his family to push an agenda.

In 2013, I published an article entitled The Kardashian 2013 Christmas Card: A Tribute to the Illuminati Entertainment Industry, where I analyzed a highly symbolic Christmas card created by David Lachapelle – a fashion photographer who is no stranger to the MK-Ultra based entertainment industry. That Christmas card was somewhat prophetic.

The Christmas card places the Kardashians in a deserted movie theatre replete with imagery representing the true role and fate of that showbusiness-created family. Bruce Jenner, the only male in that photo, is the only one in that is not posing fashionably. Quite to the contrary, he is imprisoned in the cashier’s booth, which looks like a giant test tube. Stuck in a what looks like a giant tube, Bruce Jenner is gazing at statue that is wearing a gold medal – but that is also dismembered. That statue clearly represents Bruce’s past self, which was, since then, broken and symbolically dismembered. Jenner is now trapped in the tube that is show-business, like some kind of lab rat.

His daughters, who were about 15 at the time, were also depicted in a near prophetic matter, posing in front of an Illuminati pyramid which strongly hint that they’re owned by the occult elite’s system. Since 2013, the Jenner sisters indeed fully integrated the Illuminati system, fully pushing ongoing agenda of sexualizing minors. The sister often pose doing the One-Eye sign which is the code of Illuminati pawns.

So, not unlike Keeping Up With the Kardashians, the actual lives of the Jenners are mostly scripted. Caitlyn Jenner was also part of the script.

Perfect Media Storm

After his divorce, Bruce Jenner could have silently stepped out of the spotlight and lived his new life in relative privacy. But the exact opposite happened. Caitlyn saturated all major media outlets in a carefully orchestrated media storm. Here’s what happened in the span of a few weeks.

Primetime 20/20 interview with Diane Sawyer.
The cover of multiple magazines including Vanity Fair, which “presented” Caitlyn to the world.
US magazine going inside his “heroic” transition. Heroic.

The President of the United States praising the courage of Jenner.

Speaking of courage, in a rather absurd, almost forced, media move, Caitlyn Jenner will be receiving the Arthur Ashe Courage Award during the 2015 ESPY Awards in July 2015. Caitlyn’s “courage” was deemed superior to Lauren Hill, a college athlete who played basketball despite an inoperable brain tumor who died earlier this year.

There is more : Caitlyn will be the subject of her own reality show … And expect a whole lot of magazine photoshoots.

The Hidden Agenda

As stated above, Jenner’s transformation was not intimate nor personal. It was a grand, ceremonial, ritualistic event that symbolizes a change in society as a whole. An important part of the elite’s agenda is to debase, confuse and mix up the natural, harmonious order of things. It is about steering away from what is real, pure and authentic to move towards to the fake, artificial and the constructed. For this reason, there one aspect of the Agenda that is becoming increasingly apparent : The feminization of the male and the masculinization of the female. Under the guise of “empowerment”, men who act like females and females who act like men are not only accepted, but celebrated. I personally do not have a problem with that. I DO have a problem with the other side of this agenda : Men who act like traditional men (and do not feel the need to apologize for it) are now portrayed as evil and wrong. And, all of a sudden, portraying a stay-at-home mom who takes pride in cooking for her family is considered “sexist”.

In other words, it is about a complete reversal of gender roles. Simply by looking at our genetic make-up and the behavior of most mammals, one can observe that males are engineered to hunt, provide and protect while females are made to “nest”, care and nurture, While modern living has made these traits less dominant, they are nevertheless part of our core being. And mass media is heavily focusing on promoting the exact opposite of this. It is about the attacking the mind with messages that conflict with our natural inclinations. If you look at what is happening right now in mass media, you have, on one side, the head of the Kardashian family putting on makeup and wearing dresses while, on the other side, you have Taylor Swift training for combat with big weapons, with a gang of tough, violent women (see the video Bad Blood).

While Jenner is an all-American product, Europe also went through its ritualistic, transgender event.

As the winner of Eurovision 2014, the Austrian singer Conchita Wurst became the first transgender to win such an award. Was this staged to cause a media event similar to the Jenner story? Most likely. Also, why is Conchita wearing a beard? In occult secret societies, the highest stage of illumination is achieved through the internalization of duality and the equilibrium between opposing forces – good and evil, active and passive. male and female. This concept is symbolically represented by the horned, hermaphrodite god Baphomet. It is also represented in alchemical symbolism such as the Alchemical Androgyne :

“The symbol reproduced above is from a rare edition of the Turbæ Philosophorum published in Germany in 1750, and represents by a hermaphroditic figure the accomplishment of the magnum opus. The active and passive principles of Nature were often depicted by male and female figures, and when these two principle, were harmoniously conjoined in any one nature or body it was customary to symbolize this state of perfect equilibrium by the composite figure…” (Manly P. Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages).

Of course, these concepts are meant to be interpreted in an esoteric and spiritual context where the human soul transcends its physical shell. However, today’s elite is bent on twisting and corrupting occult concepts, using its inherent powers for sinister purposes. Therefore the concept of equilibrium has turned into a unhealthy obsession on transgendered media pawns.

In Conclusion

Because, simply touching on the subjects I discussed above leads to unwarranted accusations of sexism, “transphobia” and whatnot, I feel the need to emphasize one point : This article was not against transgender people who decide to make a change because it makes them happy. It is against the exploitation of transgender people to push an Agenda.

The Caitlyn Jenner story was orchestrated to bring specific concepts to the forefront, notably the complete reversal of gender roles. Although the elite’s occult teaching are about complete equilibrium, they want the masses to be completely out of balance. That’s how you keep them confused and malleable.

Jacqui Deevoy
About Jacqui Deevoy 111 Articles
My love of fashion and music led me - several decades ago - into working for some of Britain’s top-selling magazines, specialising in news, reviews, fiction, features, astrology and quizzes. These days, as a journalist, writer and editor I write a wide variety of features, frivolous and serious. I work mainly for women's magazines and national newspapers and also enjoy writing for independent news outlets and websites - the sort that publish stories the mainstream media fail to report.