All Older People Should Be Taking Statins According To Study

Fact checked

GPs  in the UK are worried that they could be forced to prescribe statins to most of their older patients after new research suggested they would benefit from taking the controversial cholesterol-lowering drugs.

According to the study published in the the British Journal of General Practice, almost all men over 60 and women over 75 should be taking the drugs.

Previous studies have reported limited or zero evidence that statins help prevent cardiovascular disease in older people and some experts have said thatIn fact recent research warns that people taking the drugs are more likely to suffer from hardening of the arteries, thereby increasing the risk of heart disease.

The Independent reports:

The sweeping findings could suggest that GPs will be asked to prescribe the drugs to the majority of their patients, leading to huge strain on doctors.

But professional groups have warned that the relationship between a patient and their doctor remains the most important, and that the physician will still make the ultimate decision on what their patients should be prescribed, despite the findings of the study.

The research looked to investigate the effects of guidance that was set by the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (Nice) in 2014. That controversial ruling allowed many more people to receive statin therapy on the NHS, since it suggested that anyone with cardiovascular disease should be given the drug, and anyone with a more than 10 per cent chance of developing it in the next 10 years should take it too.

The latest study, published in the British Journal of General Practice, examined the algorithm endorsed by Nice for the assessment of CVD risk and compared it to data from the 2011 Health Survey for England to estimate the number of people who are eligible for statin therapy under the guidance.

“Under the guidelines, 11.8 million (37 per cent) adults in England aged 30-84 years, including almost all males over 60 years and all females over 75 years, would be eligible for statin therapy,” the authors wrote.

Of these, 9.8 million would be offered the medication as a preventative measure, the researchers discovered.

They found most adults who were eligible or treated for primary prevention were in older age groups.

Just 4 per cent of men and 2 per cent of women aged 30 to 44 were deemed to be eligible to be offered the medication, but this figure increased with age.

Among men, 33 per cent of those aged 45 to 59 would be eligible according to the risk assessment tool.

This increased to 95 per cent of men aged 60 to 74 years and 100 per cent of men aged 75 to 84.

One in 10 women aged 45 to 59 would be eligible, increasing to 66 per cent of women aged 60 to 74 and 100 per cent of women aged 75 to 84.

Among the 9.8 million deemed to be at risk of CVD, the researchers said 6.3 million were eligible for treatment but not currently on statins.

Among this group there will be a projected 1.16 million cardiovascular events – including heart attacks and strokes – over the next decade, they estimated.

The authors calculated that if all these people were taking statins 290,000 of these events could be prevented.


  1. ‘.recent research warns that people taking the drugs are more likely to suffer from hardening of the arteries, thereby increasing the risk of heart disease.’ contradicts the suggestion that more people be taking statins?

  2. My wife was prescribed statins ten years ago by her primary physicians. He said she would require them for the rest of her life. In the interim, my wife changed her eating habits and lead a more physical life. Last month, the doctor proudly proclaimed how well the statins had lowered her LDL and overall cholesterol and gave her another prescription as usual. She did not have the courage to tell him she had not taken statins for the past five years due to chronic leg cramps.


    • Of course, no one has ever proven how lowering, not even blood cholesterol, but LIPID TRANSPORTERS which is what LDL and HDL and VLDL are, is even truly beneficial. Just more circular, libtard-logic “studies”. The only word they ever spit out: “studies”.

      I don’t want studies. A primary schooler and a college student studies. An amateur getting into any field does any form of “studies”. I want proof. Evidence. Or go home.

  3. When you control scientific research and opinion in the Western World as the Anglo-Zionist Propaganda Media Machine does, you can make the masses believe anything you want, and guide them as you please.

    • And change it at will. And make up bogus nonsense excuses as to why. Best quick example is tobacco.

      First, smoking tobacco was super bad. People should quit and smoke outside to preserve theirs and others health.
      Second, smoking tobacco is an evil terrorist threat passed down from former stupid people who picked up the habit. People should quit so the permanent, unrecoverable damage to themselves does not get worse, and they should smoke 10,000 feet away from others and properties outside to preserve the innocent people’s health.
      Third, smoking tobacco is an outdated evil, the fault of [nonexistent] tobacco “ads” and “marketing”, and people’s irresponsible families. People should quit so the recoverable damage, which will magically all heal so long as they quit now, does not become permanent. People should not smoke inside or outside, and any smoking whatsoever is a threat to everyone else’s health.

      No consistency. No logic. No proof. No science. Make it up as we go along.

      What has actual science really proven? Smoking cigars causes basically no health ailments, and smoking cigarettes is inflammatory and should be done sparingly at the user’s discretion. However, eating fried foods, foods with oxidized and rancid oils, trans fat, and wheat/grass-grain products causes the damage of smoking dozens, packs, if not cartons of (junk commercial, not even real!) cigarettes at a time. Per sitting of eating these foods!!!


    • It’s not “could be”, it is, “studies” or not, “IS” directly connected. I just go with the “is”, instead of waiting 100 years for the studies to come out stating the obvious.

      Any legal issues, and the fact is, “I’m not a medical professional”, which I think any normal person would take solstice in.

  5. Our doc tried to put us on statins I asked if there could be any side effects knowing there was,he said we would have to have a liver test first ,take the statins for 6 months ,and then see if any liver damage had occurred talk about scamming people these doctors are killers at heart

  6. The brain is a glob of three things: cholesterol, fat, and water.

    If you lower the body’s cholesterol, which it always make with any proper diet and supplementation, if you lower fat beyond the necessary intake, and you do not have a proper balance of electrolytes to keep water/electrolytes levels normal, guess what happens to the brain?

    I said: guess what happens to the brain? Hello, are you there? Anyone home?

  7. Statins are big moneymakers or blockbusters for drug companies. ‘Almost all men over 60 and women over 75 should be on statins’ means huge profits for statin producers. It will prevent 290,000 events, they say, like heart attacks and strokes? People of that age are getting closer to death anyway so how valid is this research? Who sponsored the study?

  8. they tried to get me on the crap when i was 40. I am 60, my blood pressure is 110 / 66, but my cholesterol is still the same high, and I am feeling great. I am extremely healthy. God only knows what would have happened to me if I started taking statins back then.
    Turns out new studies show that high Cholesterol is not a problem. Your body produces it for good reason. Testosterones is made from Cholesterol along with a host of other beneficial molecules. High Cholesterol is associating with high IQ, it is essentially brain food.

    • “High Cholesterol is associating with high IQ, it is essentially brain food.” Your posts clearly contradict that claim.

        • LOL. Unlike you, I actually have done research. 2 degrees, one in pharmacy, the other a Ph.D. in pharmaceutics. I know far more about vaccines in general and the covid vaccines in particular than you do.

          • then why are you so dam stupid then? what kind of vax needs a booster every three months? and doesn’t prevent you from getting the disease? and causes heart issues?

          • You are the one that is overwhelmingly ignorant. Doubt you have ever taken, much less passed a college level course in anything.

          • I won’t astonish you with my well rounded education. I would like to help you but you are stuck. You are a child of Cain, a liar, a destroyer of good things. My advice is repent, so you can stop acting like this. Eat from the tree of life.
            Fraudchi should not be your lord and savior.

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