Attorney General Says She Will Accept Hillary Clinton FBI Indictment

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Attorney General Loretta Lynch has announced that she will accept the decision of prosecutors, investigators and FBI Director James Comey on whether to bring criminal charges in the ongoing investigation of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server, and according to Judge Andrew Napolitano this is very bad news for Hillary Clinton - and very good news for Bernie Sanders.

Attorney General Loretta Lynch has announced that she will accept the decision of prosecutors, investigators and FBI Director James Comey on whether to bring criminal charges in the ongoing investigation of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server, and according to Judge Andrew Napolitano this is very bad news for Hillary Clinton – and very good news for Bernie Sanders.

“I think it’s very bad news for Mrs Clinton legally. I don’t know how it plays out politically, but legally the FBI has invested thousands of person hours in this investigation. It has accumulated enough evidence to indict and convict. That’s on the basis of the publicly known evidence. We can only assume that there is more evidence of which the FBI is aware that has not been made public.

It is bad news for Mrs Clinton and the odds of an indictment have increased dramatically in the last 24 hours.”

In New York Times earlier this week, Bernie Sanders published a hard-hitting opinion piece attacking Donald Trump, but also targeting Democratic Party leaders, super delegates, and the Democrats’ presumptive nominee Clinton — though he avoided naming her.

Significantly, Sanders identified himself at the end of the article as “a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination.”

The message is clear: Sanders is still in the race for the Democratic nomination.

Speaking to MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell on Tuesday, Sanders was asked when he would suspend his campaign and responded, “Well, right now, again, we are doing everything we can to address the major crises facing working families in this country and we are going to use all of the tools we can to do that.”

“We have some 1,900 delegates who are going to be coming to Philadelphia,” Sanders said. “Those delegates, without exception, are going to stand up and fight to make sure that the working class has a voice in this country, that government listens to them, that we end a corrupt campaign finance system.”

“That’s what this campaign has been about and will continue to be about,” he added.

Sanders has been raising money to send delegates to the convention, which costs more $4,000 per person. In an email Tuesday, the Vermont senator’s campaign encouraged supporters to donate $2.70 before Thursday’s midnight Federal Election Commission deadline to help get the campaign’s massive 1,900 delegates to the convention.

“Our delegates are not wealthy campaign contributors. They’re not party insiders or establishment elites. They’re working folks, and it’s not easy for many of them to fly to Philly and stay in hotels for a week,” campaign manager Jeff Weaver said in an email sent to reporters on Tuesday.

Weaver stressed the importance of having all delegates at the convention as they “expect there could be critical votes for the party platform and electoral process.”

“We’d hate to fall short on these votes because some of our delegates couldn’t afford to go to the convention,” he added.

Weaver said hotels are booked months in advance and then sold at higher prices, adding that lobbyists plan “all sorts of fancy parties.” The political establishment can easily navigate it, he said.

“Our political revolution is not made up of people like that,” he continued. “Our folks need help to get to the convention and stay there.”

Mitchell asked if it would be a contested convention, to which Sanders replied that they’re “doing everything” they can “to make the Democratic platform as progressive as it can be,” echoing his earlier statements made to USA Today.

“I would respectfully disagree and suggest that many people do understand. Our job is to transform America… that is what I am fighting to do,” Sanders explained.

“My job right now is to make the Democratic party as open, as inclusive, as progressive as it possibly can be, and that’s what we’re working on as we speak.”

Baxter Dmitry
About Baxter Dmitry 6184 Articles
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.