Australian Gov’t Deploy Counter-Terror Squad to Crush Orange Vest Uprising

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Australian authorities deploy counter terror squad to swash orange vest uprising

The Australian government are now deploying counter-terror police to try to squash the orange vest uprising, which is being led by thousands of unarmed construction workers.

The protestors, who are marching against the world’s longest and harshest lockdown, found themselves on Wednesday confronted by an armoured vehicle operated by a counter-terrorism squad, backed by hundreds of armed riot police officers. reports: Doesn’t it make you feel safe, knowing that our tax dollars spent on beefing up Victoria’s counter-terror capabilities has now been turned on the people they were designed to protect?


  1. As if any of the orange vests are likely to get sick from the flu that they know is only dangerous to sick weak frail aged orvimmyni suppressed or compromised individuals. They don’t need a vaccine that the government’s own website Admits has caused something like 4 or 500 people to die from and injured almost 40,000 people. And all this vaccine business was started by then saying if the vax saves one life then its worth it. That was their pitch Remember?

    • Over 50,000 injuries actually now. From their allegedly safe vaccine And there’s the next 10 years of long term side effects still Totally unknown.

      • And even though it’s the government’s OWN figures not one of the vaccine commandos will even acknowledge or respect one of those 500 dead people or one of the 50,000 reported injured And rbey talk about respect and protecting And about every person. And the. They pretend they know nothing about the 500 funetals.

  2. And the whole things been INTENTIONALLY set up by the health authorities who have created the conditions on purpose to portray anti vaccers as dangerous thugs who need to be locked up. Its all manipulations connivance deceits and omissions running the whole story.

  3. This is a horrifying time. Just as they used the Oklahoma bombing as a test run for 9-11, they are using Australia as the test run for what they plan to do next in America. It will be a horror show. The OWO/NWO are running the show. They already plan to give OZ to China. They made Biden give Afghanistan to China, and they plan to divide America down the middle with a catastrophe that will not be natural but of their making, from Chicago to the gulf with hidden Nukes. One half to Russia and the other half to China, they have allies to help them, but they will get nothing. Watch and see.

  4. Interesting they are sending US troops over to Australia. I wonder if they are going to try and use US troops to oppress the australians?
    They will probably use UN troops to oppress US citizens here.

  5. Thing is Australia has a weak Constitution and NO Bill of Rights. None. Basically all rights and powers are contained in the Government and Bureaucracy and given (or taken) at their discretion. And the Aussies gave up their guns so the Government has sole use of violence with no recourse. And what about the storm troopers? Why do they follow such orders? I have little respect for Australia anymore.

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