Biden’s Land Management Nominee Pushed For Population Control, Called Children An ‘Environmental Hazard’

Fact checked
Manning, Biden nominee

President Joe Biden’s nominee for director of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), described American children as an “environmental hazard” while pushing for slowing population growth in her 1992 graduate thesis.

The Daily Caller reported on Tracy Stone-Manning’s thesis, titled “Into the Heart of the Beast| A case for environmental advertising,” for which she was awarded a master of science degree in environmental studies.

In her master thesis, Manning, who has links to eco terrosists, argued that Americans should have no more than two children

Brietbart reports: Her thesis, however, amounted to public policy recommendations for the University of Montana described as “environmental education.”

Stone-Manning called for an advertising campaign to lessen procreation among Americans, ostensibly towards “environmental” ends. She produced a sample poster deriding a shirtless child as an “environmental hazard.”

Her political advertisement asked in its header, “Can you spot the environmental hazard in this photo?” It included the following response:

That’s right, it’s the cute baby. Americans believe that overpopulation is only a problem somewhere else in the world. But it’s a problem here too.”

The earth is only so big, and we can tap into it only so often. In America, we tap in often and hard.

We breed more than any other industrialized nation. At the same time, we suck up one-third of the world’s energy.

On average, each of us gobbles the same energy as 3 Japanese, 13 Chinese, and 499 Ethiopians. When we overpopulate, the earth notices it more. Stop at two. It could be the best thing you do for the planet.

Biden’s nominee to head the BLM also composed a script for a 30-second video commercial to discourage American families from having more than “one or two” children. A female voiceover for the advertisement reads, “When we [Americans] have children, the planet feels it more. Do the truly smart thing. Stop at one or two kids.”

Her thesis claimed, “The origin of our abuses is us. If there were fewer of us, we would have less impact.”

The Daily Caller highlighted Stone-Manning’s description of “overpopulation” as “the root of many of our environmental horrors.” The planet cannot sustain more Americans, she said of the purpose of her proposed advertising campaign.

She wrote of her recommended campaign, “The point is a simple one. Harshly, the ads say that the earth can’t afford Americans. More softly, they ask people to think about how their family planning choices affect the planet.”

Both the Daily Caller and Fox News described Stone-Manning’s Malthusian proposal as “population control.”

Fox News reported on Stone-Manning’s “links to ecoterrorists”:

Stone-Manning has already come under fire in recent weeks for her connection to a tree spiking incident – an ecoterrorism tactic – in Idaho in the 1980s, where she traded her court testimony for legal immunity.

In 1993, Stone-Manning was granted immunity in exchange for her testimony that she retyped and sent an anonymous letter to the U.S. Forest Service on behalf of John P. Blount, her former roommate and friend, Fox News previously reported.

Tree spiking “involves inserting metal or ceramic rods into trunks so they can’t be safely cut down, and the tactic has sometimes been used to halt timber sales,” explained the New York Post. The tactic can injure or kill loggers.


  1. Over population is the greatest threat to nature to wildlife ,to sanctuary and to the natural harmony of the planet .The land developers and ALL of those elite who profit from massive inflation in land prices dont care about that .They want wealth from over development and they want high density living for the masses e because they know its un natural and increases violence,disease and abnormality They prefer to call it community.People are resources suitable for exploitation in every way possible to them .That’s all .Just a means to an end

    • Billionaires and elites are the problem. The mjaority of people exist on a meager amount each day, while the ultrarich pollute waste and rape the environment, The elites want to reduce the planets pop. to 500 million. They are working toward that goal through war, famine, baby murder and bioweapons. Earth can easily sustain 20 billion humans if properly done. India and China are choking the ocean with garbage, dumping billions of tons straight into the sea.
      Killing the billionaires and politicians is the first step, and eliminating the global war machine created by the super powers.

      • No its nit Sensible families with no more than 2 children per couple is a start China is the slave market of the world that’s why the west set it up to become communist in order to mass produce cheap stuff via over populated country so low demand high supply ratios ,and for over populated western world with high u comes and hugh demand.d for cheap crapAnd yes rhe billionaires do own the factories in China and di screw the chinese people for their own profits and did unemployed their own people and close their factories and are shutting their shops Yes the rich are selfish BUT rhats why they want lots if cheap workers and even more customers Denying them supply of human resources to exploit reduces their power and wealth and gives them less ability to get lost in the crowd .

  2. We were taught in primary school that the greatest threat to the world was over population China was forced by the UN to have the one baby policy and Indians were given a free transistor radio if they got sterilised .Racism .Africans were starved and fed deadly vaccines against aids and millions were killed starved and still are being right now by design There was NEVER any time the west couldnt have airlifted in food and water. Never And the Vatucan could have dmfed the whole ic afruca with just the donations every Tuesday from all the pupils in all their schools all over the world If they had wanted to .But instead they sat family plantings a crime and Catholics are all supposed to have as many babies as they can for the Pope

    • The Vatican could have fed the whole of Africa, if they had wanted to . Today one egg sandwich in Uganda is roughly 25 cents US .That’s nothing A good meal in a restaurant cab be 3 to 5 dollars K7ds in Catholuc schools donate anything from 10 to 50 bucks each and every week.And others millions of kids in catholic schools And usually 2 or 3 or more from each family And the smart ones know the school passes on the I formation of who is generous and who isn’t to their brothers in the public services

      • Africa is the world’s second-largest and second-most populous continent, after Asia in both cases. At about 30.3 million km² including adjacent islands, it covers 6% of Earth’s total surface area and 20% of its land area. With 1.3 billion people as of 2018, it accounts for about 16% of the world’s human population. Wikipedia

    • The same people who want white people to have no children are farming non whites all over the world. The idea that the elite have tried to stunt Africa’s population growth is ridiculous. They have grown the African population exponentially in the last 5 decades. They feed poor people all over the planet as long as they are not white.

      The UN did not force China to have a one child policy. Poverty did.

  3. If she wants only two children per american citizen, why the hell is her boss wanting to bring in millions of foreign children here to eat our food, crowd our already underperforming schools, live in housing for free, free health, free education. This is treason. This is criminal. Heinous. Unconstitutional. We need to close down their halls, shut there mouthpieces, block their markets. She will give BLM land away. To the elite. She will block centuries of American family use of public lands. For sustenance and recreation. How did her anti-logging, anti-clearing ways serve the forests while the west was burning? She was a journalist. Her husband is a journalist. They are taught to lie to the public. To persuade the public. They are scum. Turn your backs on the National Wildlife Federation. These people grabbed these jobs back in the day because it was fashionable and lucrative. Opportunists from the right schools, the right families, and mostly from OUT OF TOWN. They who want the forests to be enjoyed by all now only want the forests to be enjoyed by the elite. The select foreigners. Can you imagine not being able to go to the Grand Canyon or Nagshead because it is only open to tourists and Americans with high social scores. Is that where this is heading. Talk to your representatives. And get these people out of office if they don’t fight for citizen’s rights. Wanting to privatize everything, out of the prying eyes of the public who are the people they are elected and selected to serve.

  4. Our “relief” manager worships the CBC, (Central Bank Clan), and absorbs the pablum fed us by THEIR media w/o question.
    recently he lamented about this sty being perverted into NATIONAL SOCIALISM! I chuckled, shook my head and tried to explain to the fool it is BOLSHEVIK COMMUNISM, not National Socialism. as expected, however, his irritating fealty to the CBC is immovable, (victim of the Scofield “bible”?).
    I guess the only way to explain to him the difference is;

    National Socialists were not only allowed to own private property, they were encouraged to do so.
    National Socialists didn’t MURDER tens of millions of their OWN PEOPLE as the CBC’s Bolshevik Communists did.
    National Socialists did NOT persecute Christian/Muslim holy men and destroy their places of worship, (btw, they STILL do it in occupied Palestine).

    Whom openly admits ownership of Bolshevik Communism?

    • How right you are, paschnn, and I totally agree. The National Socialists encouraged property ownership as well as producing more than 2 children. Communism was started by Karl Marx with his Communist Manifesto in 1848. It was just nearing the end of WWI when the Bolsheviks seized power and began the mass murders of Christians and other anti-Communists.

      • You have no idea how great it feels to read lucid/accurate comments like yours after so many years of screaming against the wind.

    • The truth is the reason “hate speech” exists. The racist bigot and hate labels are designed to stop the truth from being told. You should move to Israel.

    • Not certain whom said it originally, I believe Voltaire..
      If you want to know who rules over you, look for those you are NOT ALLOWED to criticize..
      Makes sense..

  5. In the Real World Dictionary, above the caption “devil in disguise”
    is a photo of this commie rat.

  6. one thing that bothers me about this is that, while they do seem to want to reduce the population: even Pelosi stated that every abortion means one less child to feed with our welfare programs. Yet, they also are spreading the very people which are deliberately overpopulating around the world and the two biggest ones are Africans and Hispanics which are actively trying to flood our welfare systems with as many babies as they can…………..Many African nations are doubling their population every 22 years despite war, diseases like aids, starvation and outward migration………and when they come to the U.S. and western nations, the men admit that they intend to have as many babies as possible and put them all on the welfare systems…and meanwhile they do not even pay for those kids and I can show you many of them who have done this…….two bkack men right off each with 8 kids on welfare, all different mothers and none do they pay for…….

    So, if these marxists really want to slow the population, why would you invite in the baby machines???

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