Big Pharma’s Plan to Destroy the Vitamin-Herbal Supplement Industry

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Big Pharma’s Plan to Destroy the Vitamin-Herbal Supplement Industry

With the richest 1% owning more than the rest of us 99%-ers combined on this planet starting next year, it’s fair and accurate to say we earthlings are living in economic slavery and feudal bondage. With no exaggeration, our world has been hijacked and stolen by a handful of psychopathic rulers bent on destroying us. My last article was how they were killing us with their Big Pharma drugs, keeping us sick, toxically and literally squeezing the life out of us with compromised, weakening immune systems, and dying slow profitable deaths for Big Pharma.

My piece only touched on the threat that alternative medicine poses on eating into Big Pharma’s monopolizing unprecedented profits. It’s been the longtime objective and unfolding reality that this privileged elite has been eliminating all competition in its ruthless path to absolute oligarchy. Big Business be it Big Pharma or other Fortune 500 corporations will stop at nothing to destroy anything and anyone that threatens its economic stranglehold over the people on this planet. This examination focuses on the militarized Gestapo-like tactics the elite deploys to take out Big Pharma’s biggest competitor – the vitamin-herbal supplement industry and how Big Business in this predatory cannibalistic dog-eat-dog world is bent towards taking out small business.

Read More: Big Pharma’s Plan to Destroy the Vitamin-Herbal Supplement Industry

Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15205 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.