Book Claims Oscar Pistorius Battered Reeva Steenkamp With Cricket Bat

Fact checked by The People's Voice Community

A new book claims that Paralympic gold medalist and convicted murderer Oscar Pistorius may have battered his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp with a cricket bat before shooting her dead and covering the evidence.

The “Blade Runner,” the fastest man on no legs, is to be sentenced in June for the murder of Reeva Steenkamp after his initial conviction of culpable homicide was later upgraded by the Supreme Court of Appeal of South Africa.

Metro reports:

The court heard how the amputee had fired four hollow point bullets through a toilet door striking his victim in the hip, head and arm.

Pistorius had claimed that he had mistaken his girlfriend for an intruder and when he realised his mistake he used a cricket bat to batter down the door.

But Calvin and Thomas Mollett claim in their book,  Oscar vs The Truth, that the bat may have been used beforehand and could be consistent with overlooked bruises on Reeva’s back.

According to the Daily Maverick, they say the incident followed an argument that lasted more than a hour and didn’t just take place in the bedroom but elsewhere in the house.

‘Oscar went after her with a cricket bat – infuriated that she locked herself away from him – and to scare and frighten her, he hit the door with the cricket bat about two to three times and also hit the steel plate against the bathtub wall,’ they wrote.

The pair came to the conclusion by examining the quantity, distribution and position of all the wounds on Reeva’s body – something they say the pathologist failed to take fully in to account.

They say that many of the wounds could have been sustained with the cricket bat, which they argue was far more worn than Pistorius’ version of events suggests it would be.

During the trial, the runner had claimed he used it to batter down the door with three of four blows.

But the brothers say the handle was torn and stretched, and tests with a similar bat failed to produce any wear after 20 strikes.

‘This damage was caused by some very robust handling of the bat,’ they say.

The brothers also argue the events took place following an argument between the couple that was heard by witness Estelle van der Merwe.

‘Van der Merwe said she couldn’t hear the words or language, but judging from the ‘movement’ in the tone of the voice she was confident it came from a woman.

‘It sounded like the woman was arguing with someone – although she couldn’t hear a second voice.

‘The female voice was quiet for periods ranging from five to 20 minutes, and lasted for about an hour.’

Oscar Pistorius runs 400M London Summer Olympics 2012

okokno com YouTube video:

So sad to see somebody who had come over so much diversity and inspire others, to fall so low with this murder charge of killing his girlfriend.


Edmondo Burr
About Edmondo Burr 3498 Articles
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