Ex CIA Agent: Mossad And Saudis Are Behind Syrian False Flag

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Ex CIA agent Robert D. Steele claims that Mossad and Saudi Arabia, in collusion with treasonous U.S. officials, are behind the false flag chemical attack in Syria.

Ex CIA agent Robert D. Steele claims that Mossad and Saudi Arabia, in collusion with treasonous U.S. officials, are behind the false flag chemical attack in Syria.

Steele, a 20-year Marine Corps intelligence officer, and the second-highest-ranking civilian in the U.S. Marine Corps Intelligence, also explained that Sen. John McCain and former CIA Director John Brennan are responsible for planning the false flag from within the United States.

In a video interview posted online Tuesday, Steele provided updated information he has received from intelligence colleagues regarding the Syrian attack:

The big news tonight is that John McCain, John Brennon, McMaster in the White House, the Saudis and the Israelis, have all betrayed the American public. Of course we have to ask ourselves is Donald Trump now playing Israel first instead of America first.

“McCain’s trip in February is apparently what set the stage for this. And I have to tell you, McCain’s not very good at keeping secrets. This has been double checked, and we are quite sure McCain is in a state of treason against the United States government and the American people.”


Steele also explained that Sen. John McCain and former CIA Director John Brennan are responsible for planning the false flag from the United States.

I have heard from an inside source that I absolutely trust that the false flag attack was planned by Sen John McCain, former CIA director John Brennan and the National Security Advisor to the President of the United States Herbert McMaster, who is in a state of treason to the United States president. 

“Now to his enormous credit, CIA Director Mike Pompeio, identified this correctly as a false flag. But as best I know the FBI has not informed the president that this false flag in fact was an act of treason planned in the United States and funded by Saudi Arabia and Israel. They split the cost.

Bay of Pigs moment

Donald Trump got chumped. This is his Bay of Pigs moment. But to CIA Director Mike Pompeio’s credit, all my intelligence colleagues are saying that the CIA Director got it right, told Trump that this was a false flag perhaps by CIA rogue elements, perhaps by French intelligence, mostly likely by Mossad and the Saudis.

“And Trump very, very foolishly then shut Mike Pompeio out of the decision meeting. The bottom line here is that Trump is being lied to, he’s being manipulated. Jared Kushner may be a Mossad agent of influence. 

“I think Trump is very smart. He’s book smart and he’s street smart. I want him to succeed. But right now, this is really bad.

The CIA did not give him that intel. It most likely came from Jared Kushner coming back from his recent visit to the Middle East. It probably came from “defence intelligence”, which is corrupt to the bone. And I suspect, based on some recent conversations I’ve had with some extraordinarily gifted people in the United Kingdom, I suspect Israel is telling everybody that they have detected this massive chemical threat, that missiles will be fired at Israel with chemicals, this is the end of the world, and this is in fact Assad doing a trial run before he attacks Israel.

“So wherever Trump is getting this intelligence, this intelligence is a lie.”


Steele also gave his opinion on members of Trump’s administration:

Sean Spicer is a living, walking Freudian slip. I don’t pay much attention to him.”

“The other thing that has come out is that Jared Kushner is possibly compromised. He may be a Mossad agent of influence”

Steve Bannon was a shining light in the White House, he opposed the missile strikes.

Baxter Dmitry
About Baxter Dmitry 6184 Articles
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.