Clinton Foundation Files $16.8 Million LOSS After Hillary Loses Ability To Sell Access To Her Office

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The Clinton Foundation, a registered “charity,” raked in over $1.1 billion dollars during the Obama administration and Hillary’s time in office as secretary of state. Now that she has been banished from the corridors of power, the charitable donations have dried up to the point the charity just filed a staggering $16.8 million loss in the last year.

Strange, huh? One possible explanation for why the world’s elite no longer donate to Hillary’s charitable organization is that it never really was a charity to begin with. Rather it was a pay-for-play scheme in which Hillary Clinton sold access to her office to suitably high bidders from all over the world.

How else to account for the fact that the Clinton Foundation has gone from turning over a revenue of almost $400 million in 2013, to actually LOSING almost $33 million in the three years since Donald Trump wiped the floor with her in 2016?

It’s simple. You can’t have quid pro quo if you don’t have any quo to sell for those quids.

And there were plenty of dollars flying around while Clinton was in power. The multimillion-dollar “charity” had ties to governments and the ultra-wealthy around the globe and multi-million dollar donations flew in from all four corners of the globe. Saudi Arabia alone gave between $10 and $25 million to the Clintons.

In 2009, the Clinton Foundation hauled in $249 million, and in the four years that followed, the coffers were overflowing with another $392.2 million in revenue. In her last three years in office, 2014-16, the foundation raised a whopping $344.4 million.

But in 2019, with Hillary banished from the corridors of power, newly released tax records show that the foundation reported a loss of $16.8 million in 2018, to add to the net loss of $16.1 million the previous year in 2017.

The numbers don’t lie.

Total revenue reported for 2018 was just $30.7 million, less than one tenth of what was being pulled in while Hillary was secretary of state and the pollster’s favorite for the 2016 election.

Despite taking in over a billion dollars in the last decade, the “charity” only posted $24.2 million in grants and contributions in 2018, which constitutes a record low for the “charity.”

If the Clinton Foundation really was a charitable organization, helping the poor and needy, why would the world’s elite suddenly and irrevocably stop donating in their millions just because Hillary lost her job?

Baxter Dmitry
About Baxter Dmitry 6184 Articles
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.