Cryptic Warning by Kamala Harris Indicates Massive Shortages Are Coming

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Cryptic warning by Kamala Harris indicates massive shortages are coming to America soon

According to recent comments by Kamala Harris, it is obvious that the Biden regime is hiding something from the American public about the upcoming global supply chain shortages.

Recently Kamala cryptically said, “the stories that we are now hearing about the caution that if you want to have Christmas toys for your children, it might now be might be the time to start buying them, because the delay may be many, many months.” 

So, if ordering Christmas gifts closer to Christmas means months of delays, VP Harris is telling us that the Biden regime believes shortages will last way beyond Christmas.

ANP reports: In the images sent to us, we see everything from empty areas in the children’s toy section, to depleted laundry detergent sections, towels, bicycles, and a number of food aisle shortages.

On one of our recent articles showing how shelves are emptying with reader images from across the nation,  a comment caught my eye, from Outtatime.

Good Article Susan, New York is under the tyrants thumb for sure. maybe people are stocking up BEFORE the crazies in New Yawk declare no grocery shopping without your POV (Proof Of V-Axe)

I wonder if the shortages are certain brands – as in the puppet masters are destroying certain manufacturers that are competing with their cash cows. Nestle’ for example. Doesn’t seem like coffee creamer is a must have on any prepper list but there it is – shortage right next to many gallons of milk. And the “Lunchables” right next to piles of cold cuts. Perhaps this is just tons of folks going into home school mode. Lunch would have to be supplied at home where it was supplied at school before switching to home schooling.

Don’t get me wrong, I am sure the lunatics running the asylum have every intension of starving millions. It just might be that we have a bit more time to prepare. Is there a list or article on what EQUIPMENT to acquire for food prep? Things like pressure canner, dehydrator, vacuum sealer, freeze dryer, oxygen packets, etc etc??

We might be approaching our last chance to get these items before the floor falls out from under us.

Good points, all. We have already seen media personalities declare people should not be able to go to supermarkets if unvaccinated, so it isn’t like the point is a “conspiracy,” but rather a serious warning of what is coming, especially when looking at how far other countries have taken their tyrannical inclinations and how helpless their citizens are to fight back…. although many are pushing back hard.

As I have said before, it doesn’t matter where you get your preps, what matters if that you do prepare.


The image above and below comes from Colorado, with a message that said the following:

Susan…I see you put out your story this morning and I really meant to get these pictures to you yesterday, when I got home from shopping. The chicken display was actually worse last week. Shelves are “fronted,” displaying items up front with empty space behind (just like the chicken).

Apparently Colorado Springs has a problem

In the piece she was referencing another reader from Colorado had sent a number of images showing empty shelves.

Chicken has become an items of concern as we have seen quotes about upcoming price increases from the actual companies that process and package the meats, and we have seen depleted or empty beef shelves, including ground beef, chicken sections, and have been warned about pork, specifically bacon and hot dogs.

In a recent article at Business Insider, the owner of Rush Bowls, which has 30 stores across the US, describes the supply chain issues from both fresh produce to straws to equipment needed to run his business.

Pudalov said that suppliers had stockpiles of flash-frozen fruit, but that there were shortages of fresh products like kale.

A lot of the problems stemmed from suppliers being unable to transport ingredients amid the trucker shortage, he said.

“I don’t think it’s a particular food group per se,” Pudalov said. “I think it’s just getting the product from point A to point B.”Other restaurants have reported problems sourcing ingredients like chicken wings, burger patties, and even pineapple juice.


Pudalov said that the availability and cost of packaging, including straws, spoons, compostable cups, and recyclable bowls, had also been heavily hit by shortages.

That statement brings us to the next set of pictures, from NY, which shows a severe depletion of paper goods, even at Dollar stores.

MoneyWise via Finance Yahoo, also addresses the past shortages, while warning we may be seeing yet another round. 

Remember, the supply chain issues have still not fully recovered from last time.

The piece from August 22, 2021, is headlined “No toilet paper, again?!’ Shortages and hoarding pop up as COVID delta surges.”

In other words, here we go again!

A new survey finds three-quarters of Americans are already seeing product shortages, and most shoppers also say they’re planning to do some stocking up of their own because of the delta surge. Stores could respond by slapping new limits of purchases of basic items, like toilet paper.

People on Twitter say they’re seeing evidence that another round of COVID-related hoarding may be underway.

“Saw a parked car stacked with Toilet Paper in the passenger seat. I sense this is more fear mongering than actually a shortage,” tweets GhostEd.

Several Twitter users have reported that Costco stores, in particular, are running out of the essentials.

“Went to Costco this week in ABQ NM; they were out of toilet paper, paper towels and bottled water,” says a shopper in Albuquerque, New Mexico.


Nearly 7 out of 10 consumers (69%) say they’re planning to buy toilet paper, paper towels, hand sanitizer and similar items, to replenish pandemic stockpiles of that kind of stuff that they started keeping last year.

“Shoppers are beginning to have flashbacks of last summer, being in lockdown and not having enough household supplies,” says Holly Pavlika, an Inmar senior vice president. “This behavior has created a new shopper segment dubbed ‘The Squirrels’ — those who will always have an established stockpile in their homes.”

Squirrels? Seriously? The name for those stocking up in case of a rainy day, are called preppers. I guess the media spent so many years calling preppers crazy they simply cannot fathom even uttering the word.

If the pandemic and previous shortages have done anything positive, it would be to create thousands, perhaps tens of thousands more “preppers,” or least beginners to the prepping world.

For those that used up at least some of their supplies the last time shortages got critical, time to restock, top off, and even perhaps get a little more than you usually would.


In a speech abroad, Kamala Harris offered the Biden regime’s take on a number of issues, but her comments about getting kids their Christmas presents now, because if ordered later, there could be months of delays, are very telling.

This indicates, pretty clearly, that the Biden regime knows these supply chain issues are going to get much worse.

Other images sent from a Walmart in NY, show that the supply chain issues on children’s toys, have already begun.

Looks like it may actually be necessary to get most the kiddies gifts online, especially if other stores are showing the same type of shortages.

Other images showing holes in a variety of aisles:

We can write a million words about current shortages and upcoming shortages, but nothing quite makes the point as visual evidence of what Americans are seeing at their local grocery stores.

Sean Adl-Tabatabai
About Sean Adl-Tabatabai 18013 Articles
Having cut his teeth in the mainstream media, including stints at the BBC, Sean witnessed the corruption within the system and developed a burning desire to expose the secrets that protect the elite and allow them to continue waging war on humanity. Disturbed by the agenda of the elites and dissatisfied with the alternative media, Sean decided it was time to shake things up. Knight of Joseon (