Dem State Rep Claims ‘Position of Vagina’ Means Biden Couldn’t Sexually Assault Tara Reade Without ‘Cooperation’

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New Hampshire Democrat Rep. Richard Komi said a man can only penetrate a woman’s vagina with “cooperation from the woman.”

Tara Reade must have “co-operated” with Joe Biden during an alleged sexual assault because “the position of the female vagina” means it’s not “easy for anyone to just put their finger into the vagina unless their is some cooperation from the female herself,” according to a Democrat State Representative in New Hampshire.

Democrat Rep. Richard Komi has been forced to resign his legislative post after facing harsh criticism over the bizarre tweet in which he accused Tara Reade of being an “attention seeker“, after Reade accused Joe Biden of sexual assault.

Reade, a former Senate staffer, has alleged that in 1993, when Biden was a senator, he kissed, groped and forcefully penetrated her with his fingers during an unwanted sexual advance. Biden has said the incident never happened.

Democrat Rep. Richard Komi’s tweet was savaged online.

WesternJournal report: The tweet led to New Hampshire House Speaker Steve Shurtleff demanding Komi’s resignation.

I am appalled by Representative Komi’s comments. They were dismissive and hurtful to survivors of sexual assault across the Granite State and across the country,” Shurtleff said in a statement.

The comments are not fitting for the New Hampshire House of Representatives and immediately upon learning of them I called him and asked Representative Komi to resign his seat.”

Democrats in arms: Former vice president Joe Biden and his defender, former New Hampshire State Rep. Richard Komi, pictured during happier times.

Komi then resigned and apologized.

I also want to offer my sincere apologies to anybody whose feelings may have been hurt by the tweets. I am and will continue to be a supporter of victims of sexual and domestic assault,” the representative said in his letter of resignation.

The tweets were very poorly worded and do not reflect who I am and what I stand for. I ask for the forgiveness of all who have been a victim of sexual or any other kind of assault,” he wrote.

While many on social media welcomed his resignation, some declined to accept his apology.

White House counselor Kellyanne Conway last week suggested that liberals who say they support women should now act out those words.

You’re not pro-woman because you’re pro-abortion. You’re pro-woman if you say, ‘I believe all women and I’ll be here for them,’” she said, according to Fox News.

I’m going to continue to repeat what I heard from many people right left and center but particularly left of the political spectrum over the last few years, and they’re three magic words. Believe all women,” Conway said.

We’ve got a lot to dig into, but most of all, ‘believe all women’ and saying to women, ‘We don’t want to silence or stigmatize you, you should come forward if you’ve got something to say,’ that has to be consistent here,” she said. “We can’t just lose sight of that because the person who’s being accused of these allegations … is a quote powerful man who women are telling us he’s for women because he’s for abortion.

If you’re for women, prove it, and let’s hear from her.”

Baxter Dmitry
About Baxter Dmitry 6184 Articles
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.