Donald Trump Jr: We Deserve To Know Ages of ‘Underage Looking Girls’ On Hunter Biden’s Laptop

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The citizens of the United States of America have a right to know the age of the “underage looking girls” on the depraved videos found on Hunter Biden’s laptop, according to Donald Trump Jr., who slammed “pro-pedo” Democrats for looking the other way and giving Hunter Biden a free pass.

Now that even the main stream media acknowledges what we all know to be true about the Hunter Biden laptop, don’t we all deserve to know how old those underage looking girls were?” Trump Jr. wrote on Twitter on Friday, referencing the videos of Hunter Biden engaged in sexual activity with young girls and featuring crack cocaine use.

I get that Democrats are pro-pedo these days, but I think other decent people still care!

Trump Jr. raises a very important point. The Washington elite are still keeping secrets about Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell” and we the people deserve to know the truth.

Mike Huckabee writes: Does it strike anyone as fascinating that the hotspots of world tension right now — Ukraine, Beijing and Moscow — are the very places the family of our sitting President, led by son Hunter, has done business to the tune of billions of dollars? It boggles the mind. As Russia continues its invasion of neighbor Ukraine, the revelations concerning Hunter Biden’s longtime business affairs in that part of the world, and in China, continue as well.

Revelations Surrounding Hunter’s Business Partner, Devon Archer

The New York Post’s Miranda Devine, author of the bestselling Laptop From Hell, reports that Hunter’s old business partner Devon Archer was sentenced on Monday for his role in a scheme to defraud a cash-poor Native American tribe. This is something he appears to have been doing separately from his work with Hunter.

In fact, at the time of his sentencing, he read a statement explaining that at the time of the fraud he was “doing too many things at once…all the business deals I was involved with and the overseas activities.” He expressed “deep remorse for the victims of the crime,” so let’s hope he was remorseful enough to cooperate with investigators about those various “overseas activities” he participated in with Hunter as part of Rosemont Seneca Partners.

This is the end of a six-year legal battle for Archer. Judge Ronnie Abrams for the Southern District of New York sentenced him to one year and one day in federal prison, and he must pay “his share” of $43 million in restitution to the victims and more than $15 million in forfeiture of assets. Prosecutors had asked for 30 months, but the judge cited conditions in prison because of COVID as the reason for her relatively lenient sentence.

A Ukrainian Windfall for Hunter and Devon

Hunter and Devon met Russian oligarch Elena Baturina, ex-wife of a corrupt former Moscow mayor, in 2014, weeks after she wired $3.5 million to a bank account associated with Devon.

Devon visited with then-Vice President Biden in the White House a week before being named to the board of Burisma, a corrupt Ukrainian energy company. Hunter was named to the board soon after that. The two were paid $4 million for their “services,” with Biden using his share of the windfall as “walking-around money” to fund his incredibly lavish lifestyle, as described in Laptop From Hell. The business endeavors of Hunter Biden and Devon Archer were “intertwined,” to use Devine’s word.

Archer has 60 days before he has to surrender to authorities. One way he might avoid prison now is through a presidential pardon, and Hunter did text him at one point that he was “part of a great family — not a sideshow, not deserted by them even in your darkest moments.” So we shall see. Again, if President Biden doesn’t pardon him, there’s still one other way he might avoid prison: by cooperating with prosecutors investigating Hunter. Tell me, which looks worse: the President pardoning a “family member” who ripped off a Native American tribe, or possible revelations about the President’s son and perhaps the President himself?

New Meaning to the Term “Secret” Service

In another story that’s been just about buried thanks to Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, the U.S. Secret Service says it can’t find years of travel records for Hunter Biden. Extensive trips to China, Russia and India took place while he was under Secret Service protection, from January 29, 2009, to July 8, 2014, and entire years have gone missing.

Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley and Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson, Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee, sought these records –- in unredacted form –- last month but were told in a February 14 letter from Secret Service Director James Murray that no records turned up for the years 2010, 2011 or 2013.

If that smells bad to you, you’re not the only one holding your nose. Chris Farrell, director of investigations and research for Judicial Watch, which has also been seeking the records and may file suit, told The Epoch Times that it’s “highly improbable” that the Secret Service just “lost” these records. “I would not be surprised if there was political pressure on the Service to withhold records because it would be politically damaging to President Biden,” he said.

According to the Washington Examiner, the Secret Service did hand over 259 pages of records from other years, but those had “extensive” and improper redactions. “The USSS hid names and other information contained in email conversations regarding Hunter Biden without any proper legal justification,” Sens. Grassley and Johnson wrote in their last request for records.

We’d say this hiding of information brings new meaning to the term “Secret” Service.

“A Simple Word: Corruption”

Sen. Johnson appeared Sunday with Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures and was asked about this, and he attributed it to “a simple word: corruption.” He says that after his committee subpoenaed FBI Director Christopher Wray, they were given “a fraction” of what they should have received. He said he and Sen. Grassley had also written to CIA Director Gina Haspel with a “long list” of items they wanted for their investigation. She wrote back that she’d be “responsive to legitimate oversight” but she didn’t turn over even one page, he said, and did not even return their phone calls.

“…We do have a deep state,” he told Maria. “It’s populated by leftists. And that’s something we need to address.”

Burying the Scandal

A congressional report in 2020 found that Hunter engaged in millions of dollars in “questionable financial transactions” with associates and foreign individuals, including the above-mentioned Baturina and people with ties in the Chinese Communist Party. Biden’s presidential campaign dismissed it at the time as “hard-core right-wing conspiracy theory.” (Yes, another vast right-wing conspiracy.) For a refresher on these findings, you can’t do better than the New York Post.

More recently, it was learned that George Kent, former deputy chief of mission at the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv, Ukraine — remember him from President Trump’s first impeachment? — emailed colleagues to express concern that Hunter’s influence peddling would “undercut” anti-corruption efforts in the Ukraine. That would have been exculpatory evidence for Trump, as it offered good reason to look into his affairs in Ukraine, but it was withheld at the time. And, gosh, when Kent was testifying during Trump’s impeachment, he never mentioned anything about it.

Jonathan Turley wrote an excellent piece about this last month; highly recommended reading. “The level of success of the Biden team and the media had in burying this scandal is breathtaking,” he said. He likened it to the magic trick of making an elephant disappear.

At a time when the world has suddenly transformed into a powder keg, it would be nice to know that our Commander-in-Chief, the person supposedly entrusted with our safety and best interest, had no conflicting interests of his own. But thanks to his family’s propensity for cozying up to oligarchs and world leaders and raking in literally billions in cash — and their need to perhaps keep secrets about their activities — we unfortunately don’t know any such thing.

Baxter Dmitry
About Baxter Dmitry 6184 Articles
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.