Eagles Of Death Metal Singer Changes His Tune

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Eagles Of Death Metal Singer Changes His Tune

Jesse Hughes, singer and guitarist in the Eagles of Death Metal, the band whose concert was targeted in the Paris attacks, has apologised for alleging the club’s security guards were involved, saying his remarks were the result of his struggle with trauma.

In a statement he said: “My suggestions that anyone affiliated with the Bataclan played a role in the events of 13 November are unfounded and baseless – and I take full responsibility for them”

The band front man had previously claimed guards at the Bataclan theatre in Paris showed signs of having foreknowledge that the attacks were going to take place before the audience arrived.

So why the sudden about turn?


Activist Post reports:

We’ve seen these classic about-faces in many false flag shootings in the past including assassinations of JFK and RFK and almost all false flag events including 9/11 where WTC 7 firsthand “explosions” eyewitness Michael Hess spilled the beans only to later then pull a 180 and completely changed his story. In the aftermath of the RFK assassination we have live recordings of detectives literally forcing a key witness to change her story in what is said to be part of MKUltra mind control experiments conducted on witnesses who told stories damning to the official version.

In every case we see people telling a genuine story from the bottom of their heart, and after apparently being intimidated or mind controlled (as with RFK witnesses) by the controllers to redact their testimony, all of a sudden put out comments that are completely and directly opposite of what they had previously stated.

No one should be fooled by these sudden retractions that realign the story back to the original fake reality we call the “official story”. Sorry mainstream media, but I wholeheartedly believe Mr Hughes’ ORIGINAL testimony. He said it when he was expressing his organic reality, free of coercion. Now it is crystal clear to see that he is under outside pressure and control to say otherwise. No one speaks their heart honestly and then without any coercion whatsoever suddenly changes their story. That is about as unnatural a behavior as you can get. We ONLY see this behavior in movies; usually it’s the part where the mafia-government agent threatens the witness. This behavior would never happen otherwise.

This is a perfect example of what we mean by distinguishing the full-dimensional, real, full and organic reality versus the 2-dimensional artificial world the control system needs you to believe. This thing is real and anyone who threatens the artificial reality they have worked so hard to create and maintain will be threatened or intimidated in some way as I’m sure Hughes now understands very clearly.

Hughes is no different than any other musician, actor or celebrity who all came under attack in Operation Chaos of the 1960s. Everyone should research Operation Chaos, a CIA counterculture operation where “anti-government” celebrities with powerful influence were systematically drugged, blackmailed, threatened, intimidated, silenced and murdered if they did not cooperate the same way that Eagles of Death Metal frontman Jesse Hughes is doing now.

So we can rest assured that Hughes had a talk with someone who told him that for his own safety, perhaps for the sake of the future of his band he better change his story. And clearly whatever he was told worked. His “story” now fits in comfortably with the official story just a couple of days later, mind you. He is no longer a threat to their narrative and their agenda, and for him all is well again. The threat of exposure of the globalist agenda, as far as the controllers are concerned, is now over – order, they hope, can now be restored.

Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15205 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.