Embarassment for sex abuse inquiry boss Fiona Woolf as picture emerges that calls into question her evidence over links to Lord Brittan

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Embarassment for sex abuse inquiry boss Fiona Woolf as picture emerges that calls into question her evidence over links to Lord Brittan

This is the picture which last night intensified pressure on the head of the Government’s child abuse inquiry to resign.

It shows Fiona Woolf with Lady Brittan, the wife of former Home Secretary Lord Brittan, at an awards ceremony in October 2013. This is despite Mrs Woolf telling MPs that she had had no social contact with the Brittans since April 2013.

Victims of sexual abuse, their lawyers and MPs last night called for Mrs Woolf to resign over her dinner-party links to Lord Brittan, who is likely to be called to give evidence to the inquiry about allegations – which he denies – that he was at the centre of an Establishment cover-up of sex abuse claims.

Corporate lawyer Mrs Woolf, who lives in the same Central London street as the Brittans, wrote a letter to Home Secretary Theresa May, in which she claimed her last social contact with Lady Brittan had been in April 2013.

Mrs Woolf, the Lord Mayor of London,boasted of having ‘carefully checked through my records’ to ensure she had not missed anything when she wrote to Mrs May. And she told MPs this week she had ‘gone the extra distance’ to produce an exhaustive list of contacts.

Last night a Home Office source insisted it was a ‘minor omission’, but Labour and Liberal Democrat MPs queued up to demand her resignation.

Read More: Embarassment for sex abuse inquiry boss Fiona Woolf as picture emerges that calls into question her evidence over links to Lord Brittan

Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15205 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.