Evil Adrenochrome Dealers Caught Splurging on Lamborghinis

Fact checked by The People's Voice Community
Planned Parenthood executives have been caught harvesting the organs and body parts of children for the VIP elite - and boasting about the luxury item and lavish lifestyles that the trade in dead children affords them.

Planned Parenthood executives have been caught harvesting the organs and body parts of children for the VIP elite – and boasting about the luxury items and lavish lifestyles that the trade in dead children affords them.

Dr. Mary Gatter, the director of the Los Angeles branch of Planned Parenthood, was caught on video negotiating the price of very specific body parts favored by the elites who use the body parts in the consumption of adrenochrome.

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This video is particularly revealing because Dr. Gatter specifically confirms she is willing to provide thymus-liver pairs to the prospective buyer. She also confirms that she has colleagues in other parts of California selling the same body parts to elite buyers. Watch:

This is damning stuff, caught on film, and yet mainstream media is attempting to run cover for Planned Parenthood and the Hollywood elite they service.

According to peer reviewed medical literature, the thymus gland and the liver are the two main organs used in the production of adrenochrome.

The thymus gland is a small organ that produces several hormones including insulin, and it also regulates adrenaline.

The thymus also influences liver functions through the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad axis.

It’s no surprise that Dr. Gatter was caught negotiating the price of these body parts in Los Angeles, the home of Hollywood.

Actor Jim Caviezel, who played the role of Jesus in Mel Gibson’s epic Passion of the Christ, has gone on record admitting that children are being kidnapped and trafficked by Hollywood elites.

Caviezel appeared at the Clay Clark’s Health and Freedom Conference near Tulsa, Oklahoma in November and addressed the issue of child trafficking in Hollywood, revealing that the entertainment industry elite are “raping and murdering” children for adrenochrome.

According to Caviezel, who was promoting new movie Sound of Freedom, Hollywood elites are addicted to adrenochrome and “gut kids alive” to get their fix of the drug which is released as a chemical in the body of traumatized and terrified children.

The elite have been sacrificing children as part of ancient pagan rituals for centuries and the global elite are still caught up in this evil, using adrenochrome as part of depraved occult rituals to get high and stay young.

Caviezel is not the only celebrity blowing the whistle on the gruesome vice of the elite.

In 2016 WikiLeaks emails confirmed what many people had long suspected – Hillary Clinton worships Moloch, the pagan god of child sacrifice.

And Mel Gibson, who directed Caviezal in The Passion of the Christ and is now working on The Sound of Freedom, also went on record denouncing Hollywood as a “den of parasites” who “feast on the blood of kids.”

Hollywood studios are “drenched in the blood of innocent children” according to Gibson who claimed the consumption of “baby blood is so popular in Hollywood that it basically operates as a currency of its own.

“It’s an open secret in Hollywood,” he continued. These people have their own religious and spiritual teachings and their own social and moral frameworks. They have their sacred texts – they are sick, believe me – and they couldn’t be more at odds with what America stands for.

The mainstream media quickly pounced on Gibson’s revelations, deployed fact checkers including Snopes to declare the comments fake news, and proceeded to delete every video and article from the internet. In short, the mainstream media memory-holed them. Mel Gibson’s voice was silenced.

A celebrity cannot speak out against the system without being silenced and punished. Gibson’s career has not been the same since.

That’s why it’s so important as many people as possible get to hear Jim Caviezal’s words before the mainstream media cancel him and destroy the evidence.

We have seen it happen so many times before. In recent times, Nicole Kidman and Lindsay Lohan also spoke out about pedophilia in Hollywood, before backtracking, attempting to cover their tracks, and pretending they never said what they did. Lohan and Kidman understand the nature of the consequences for those who bite the hand that feeds them.

Close friends of Chris Cornell, Chester Bennington, Coolio and Anne Heche have come forward with remarkably similar stories, revealing the stars were working on exposing the pedophile ring at the heart of the music industry – and it cost them their lives.

These are dark times and bravery is required to live with eyes wide open.

But it’s not all doom and gloom. Thanks to the bravery of people like yourself, the masses are beginning to wake up and the evildoers are not having everything their own way.

Take Planned Parenthood for example. The walls are closing in on the perverts and murderers.

Their director of strategic communications was found dead in April after police uncovered evidence of a pedophile network at his home.

Tim Yergeau, 36, was found dead in his Connecticut apartment from apparent suicide shortly after he was implicated by police in a child sex investigation.

In December last year, Bill Taverner, a director for Planned Parenthood claimed that in his opinion children should be treated as “sexual beings” from the moment they exit the womb. Speaking to an interviewer in 2012, Taverner argued online pornography could be “useful” to youngsters.

After the People’s Voice exposed Taverner’s Satanic beliefs, Fox News Digital dug up similar appalling statements from Taverner’s Center for Sex Ed with one document, titled, “Fundamentals of Teaching Sexuality,” claiming, “sexuality is a part of life through all the ages and stages. Babies, elders, and everyone in between can experience sexuality.” 

Planned Parenthood is also an original purveyor of grooming material aimed at children, encouraging pre-pubescent kids to take hormones to “put puberty on hold.”

Watch this, and ask yourself, is the creepy narrator’s voice male or female, and why are they encouraging our kids to delay the onset of puberty?

Here at the People’s Voice we are determined to continue exposing the crimes of the elite. But we can’t do it alone. If you don’t want to live in a world in which dealers in baby parts drive around Los Angeles in Lamborghinis, then we need your help. Subscribe to the channel, spread this video far and wide, and join the People’s Voice Locals community for exclusive and uncensored videos. I hope to see you there.

Baxter Dmitry
About Baxter Dmitry 6184 Articles
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.