Ex-MI6 chief Peter Hayman named as VIP who sexually abused boys at Dolphin Square

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Ex-MI6 chief Peter Hayman named as VIP who sexually abused boys at Dolphin Square apartment

A victim, who is identified only as “Nick”, says Sir Peter Hayman was one of a group of men who raped him as a child.

The former deputy director of MI6 Peter Hayman sexually abused young boys at an apartment complex near Parliament, an alleged victim has claimed, according to the Mail Online

Hayman, who died in 1992, was investigated by police in 1978 for possessing inappropriate literature, but was not prosecuted.

He has been named as one of a number of paedophiles by a man, now in his forties, who claims to have been abused over a period of three years at Dolphin Square.

The information has been passed to Scotland Yard to consider as part of its investigation into historic allegations of sexual abuse at Westminster.

Hayman, referred to as a diplomat, was pointed out in a photograph shown to man, ‘Nick’, by Exaro, an investigative website.

Hayman was also a key member of the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE), a pressure group that a­dvocated legalising sex between adults and children.

The Mirror reports: A chance to nail Hayman came in 1978, when police raided the homes of PIE members.

Among them was Hayman, who had left a package containing disgusting material on a London bus.

At a flat he rented in Notting Hill, 45 volumes of diaries containing ­graphic sexual fantasies, often involving children, were found.

The flat was registered to a “Mr Henderson” – actually Hayman.

The then director of public prosecutions, Sir Thomas Hetherington, ­advised against charging him.

He was cautioned but not prosecuted. Hayman reportedly told police: “If this comes out I shall either shoot myself or go to Brazil.”

In 1981, five other PIE members went on trial for conspiracy to corrupt public morals.

Hayman was ­referred to during the case but not by name. Later that year he was finally ­exposed by crusading MP Geoffrey Dickens.

Mr Dickens used Parliamentary privilege to name Hayman to ­fellow MPs in the House of Commons.

He demanded to be told why Hayman had not been prosecuted.

Hayman was fined for gross indency in 1984 but escaped ­justice for paedophilia.

Nick believes the establishment closed ranks to protect high-­profile perverts.

Dolphin Square in London was named last week as one of the locations where abuse was carried out.





Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15205 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.