“F**k Family” It’s Time to “Kick Down Traditional Family Values” Says Drag Queen Performer

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Draq Queen

Miz Cracker, a well know contestant from RuPaul’s Drag Race, is currently engaged in a war against traditional values.

The biological male whose real name is Maxwell Eiias Heller, is staging a one “woman” show called Who’s Holiday!. The show turns The Grinch’s character Cindy Lou Who into a “hard-drinking, pill-popping, very experienced woman” who hates family Christmas gatherings.

Brietbart reports: The sentiment in the anti-Christmas stage show — being presented in London, U.K., this December and January — mirrors how the radical drag queen feels.

“To say that Christmas is about traditional values or values of any kind anymore is pretty ridiculous,” Heller told PinkNews. “Christ is nowhere featured in this. In America, if you look at the way people knock down the doors of shopping centers, I think you can tell that we have separated Christmas from Christ.”

Aside from that bit of social commentary, Miz Cracker is not above knocking Christ out of Christmas himself, either, especially when it comes to holiday gatherings. The performer feels that Christmas gatherings should be a time to confront people over the LGBTQ agenda.

“I think any opportunity that we have to kick down traditional family values is welcomed,” he said. “The way of thinking about family is old and tired and we need to reinvent it,” Cracker continued.

“I think that Who’s Holiday! does that. It makes fun of family and I think it talks about chosen family and talks about the friends that really matter and what it means to have them in your life. So yeah, fuck family,” he added.

Cracker went on to tell the gay-centric website that he is really “worried” about the U.S.A. with the possible comeback of Donald Trump as well as the raft of legislation that would prevent transgender athletes from erasing women’s achievements in sports.

“I think [it] would be terrifying. Not just because he would be president, which is one thing, but because it would show that there is support for hatred and phobia in our country,” he said.

Cracker also insisted that the time to apply “logic” to the issues is over. Now it is time for radical confrontation, not discussion.

“What matters is not figuring out why it happened, but making sure that it gets crushed… because we’re talking about the lives of trans youth being crushed or not acknowledged by some of this legislation,” the performer said.

Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15205 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.