Hillary Clinton Declares Her Undying Love For Netanyahu

Fact checked by The People's Voice Community
Hillary Clinton announces her undying love for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has recently written a subservient, grovelling love letter to Israel in which she declares her undying love for prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

In the letter, Hillary says:

“… We now hear of daily stabbings and shootings of innocent civilians — teenagers, parents and senior citizens. Israelis have to look over their shoulders during everyday tasks, like carrying groceries and waiting for the bus…

… I have stood with Israel my entire career…

… As secretary of state, I requested more assistance for Israel every year, and supported the lifesaving Iron Dome rocket defense system. I defended Israel from isolation and attacks at the United Nations and other international settings, including opposing the biased Goldstone report…

… And in 2012 I led negotiations for a cease-fire in Gaza to stop Hamas rockets from raining down on Israeli homes and communities…

… I am deeply committed to Israel’s future as a secure and democratic Jewish state..

… I will do everything I can to enhance our strategic partnership and strengthen America’s security commitment to Israel, ensuring that it always has the qualitative military edge…

… The dangers facing both our nations in the Middle East require bold and united responses. We must remain committed to preventing Iran from ever acquiring a nuclear weapon, and to vigorously enforcing the new nuclear agreement. I would move to step up our partnership to confront Iran and its proxies across the region, and make sure dangerous Russian and Iranian weapons don’t end up in Hezbollah’s hands or threaten Israel. I also will combat growing efforts to isolate Israel internationally and to undermine its future as a Jewish state, including the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement. I’ve spoken out against BDS in the United States and at the U.N., and will continue to do so.” Hillary Clinton Nov. 4, 2015

American Everyman reports:

Not a word about the suffering of the Palestinian people. Not a word about how the IDF killed 500 kids last year in one of their many all out attacks on the unarmed people of Gaza. Not a word about the illegal occupation of the West Bank.

A neocon from the old Bush/Cheney days couldn’t have penned a more disgusting tribute to the worst aspects of Israeli foreign policy than Hillary Clinton just did. Go figure.

For all you fake progressives out there looking to Killary for some more “CHANGE”… there you go.

Sean Adl-Tabatabai
About Sean Adl-Tabatabai 17916 Articles
Having cut his teeth in the mainstream media, including stints at the BBC, Sean witnessed the corruption within the system and developed a burning desire to expose the secrets that protect the elite and allow them to continue waging war on humanity. Disturbed by the agenda of the elites and dissatisfied with the alternative media, Sean decided it was time to shake things up. Knight of Joseon (https://joseon.com)