Home Depot Founder Slams Dems: Congress Should Have Been Investigating Coronavirus, Not Impeaching Trump

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Instead of wasting precious time and resources on the sham impeachment show trial of President Trump in January, Congress should have been investigating the coronavirus pandemic in China, according to Home Depot co-founder Bernie Marcus.

Instead of wasting precious time and resources on the sham impeachment show trial of President Trump in January, Congress should have been investigating the coronavirus pandemic in China, according to Home Depot co-founder Bernie Marcus.

Appearing on Fox Business Network’s “Mornings with Maria,” on Monday, Marcus said:

I think that look this president has been hit with something that no president has ever had to deal with. I just resent the people that are going after him now. They are already talking about another impeachment. I hate to tell you that, that Adam Schiff is already investigating this.”

Bartiromo said, “You are hitting on something that is really important because, for three years, Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff were looking for ghosts of Russia collusion. In doing so in terms of getting the country all crazy over the potential of collusion between the president and the Russians, they completely missed the bigger, much more dangerous actor, and that is China.

China has been eating our lunch. We’ve got all this stuff produced in China that we need right now, including our active ingredients from prescription drugs. So now they want to do another investigative process of this president and yet throughout the Ukraine impeachment trial as well as the Russian collusion for three years all that time they missed so much that actually impacted Americans.

Most importantly, in my view, is China. That is the story of the day. They are continuing to eat our lunch, and downplay this virus from the get-go,” she continued.

Marcus responded, “I could tell you this; this whole country was tied up for two and a half months on the impeachment. Nobody Congress was doing what they had to do. Their eyes were not on where it should have been.

They should have been investigating what was happening with this pandemic had started in China. They were not aware of it because so they were so focused — The New York Times, and The Washington Post and everybody else was so focused on the impeachment, and you know, I think that everybody including the president, his eyes were focused on it also.

I think that we lost sight of what was really happening around the corner, now it caught up with us.”

Baxter Dmitry
About Baxter Dmitry 6184 Articles
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.