Justin Trudeau Accused of Sexually Abusing 12-Year-Old Girl – Media Silent

Fact checked by The People's Voice Community
Is there a pedophile ring operating at the highest levels in Canadian politics, and is Justin Trudeau, a multi-generational globalist elite, intimately involved?

Is there a pedophile ring operating at the highest levels in Canadian politics, and is Justin Trudeau, a multi-generational globalist elite, intimately involved?

Last week we reported on a bombshell confession by Trudeau’s brother, Kyle Kemper, who admitted the Canadian Prime Minister is compromised and is being blackmailed by the World Economic Forum.

Those with keen memories will remember that Trudeau’s entry to politics in 2008 was dogged by a sex scandal from his days as a teacher at Vancouver’s elite West Point Grey Academy.

Now we have uncovered bombshell evidence that reveals Trudeau’s underage accuser was much younger than the mainstream media claimed at the time in an effort to brush the scandal under the carpet and clear the way for the son of former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau to enter national politics.

As evidence continues to mount, and the mainstream media and fact checkers continue to circle the wagons and protect Trudeau from legitimate scrutiny, we have a favor to ask you. If you appreciate our investigative reporting and believe we are providing a critical service, then please subscribe to the channel and like this video so we can work together to spread this news far and wide.

If mainstream media refuse to do their job, somebody has to do it. But we can’t do it without you.

Canadian media is prevented from reporting on this story, and most of the US media is controlled by three-letter agencies and the globalist elite, so Trudeau’s victim’s father spoke to the Buffalo Chronicle to reveal that she was much younger at the time of their relationship than was first thought.

Some in the public discourse pegged the young girl at 17 years old.  According to her father, this is inaccurate.

“She was much, much younger than that,” the Canadian businessman told The Chronicle. He was not a party to the $2.25 million mutual non-disclosure non-disparagement agreement that his daughter signed, in exchange for her continued silence, on October 9 2008.

The terms of that agreement prevent both the accuser and Trudeau from acknowledging “any aspect” of that relationship, without triggering a six-to-seven-figure liquidated damages clause.  That penalty starts at $500,000 and scales up, depending on the magnitude of the breach.

Trudeau and the underage girl engaged in a long affair on- and off-campus while Trudeau taught drama and French at West Point Grey Academy.  Trudeau was discovered by the girl’s father at their family home, which prompted private demands to school administrators that he be removed from his position immediately.

“There was a ‘small settlement’ at the time,” the girl’s father told the Chronicle, but declined to provide details.

The relationship was discovered several months after Pierre Trudeau‘s death.  He died on September 28th, and was eulogized by his son on October 3rd — an event that made the younger Trudeau a rising political star, around whom liberal Canada would swoon.  His students were particularly fawning, friends say.

At the time, the family was told that the school’s standard employment agreement included confidentiality terms that would be binding on Trudeau after his departure.  As a matter of policy, the school does not comment on personnel matters.

Trudeau’s friends at the time said that the typically outgoing and exuberant young man, who loved dressing in costume, was suffering through a bout of depression following his father’s death in 2000, and his brother’s death in 1997. 

They claimed that anything improper was likely a result of his fragile emotional state at the time, not because of any nefarious character trait.

“He was lonely and depressed for months,” one friend told The Chronicle.

At the time, Canada’s age of consent was 14 years old.

In 2008, Prime Minister Stephen Harper had that law changed, raising the age to 16, where the law sits today.  Still, Canada outlaws sex between adults and people younger than 18 when the adult is in a position of responsibility for the wellbeing of that child.

Trudeau’s behavior would have been illegal at the time.

Which is all very interesting in light of recent revelations by Kyle Kemper, Justin Trudeau’s half-brother, who has revealed that the Canadian prime minister does not write his own speeches or tweets but instead performs scripts written for him by his globalist overlords.

Trudeau is “not speaking from his heart,” insisted his brother, who added “blackmail is a very powerful tool.”

Many of us have talked about and reported on how Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum are penetrating governments and corrupting world leaders. Ready for some validation you can share around?

If you’re Canadian, take a seat. Your prime minister’s own brother is about to explain why Justin Trudeau is so determined to tarnish the Canadian nation. If you’re from America or another country, pull up a chair and have a listen. This is a signature lesson in how the globalist elite attempt to destroy country from the inside.

Asked why Trudeau is determined to tarnish the Canadian nation, Trudeau’s brother said that he is merely a puppet of the New World Order and takes orders directly from groups such as the Council on Foreign Relations and Bilderberger which are all controlled by the World Economic Forum.

“He is the face and the lead spokesperson of the Canadian government, but the policies and initiatives that are driving it and are driving this narrative that he continues to push, that in my opinion is anti-freedom and anti-Canadian, is coming down from the higher ups, from groups like the World Economic Forum, the Council on Foreign Relations, and Bilderberg. They recognize they need to have these strong agents within governments and one thing we have seen within governments all around the world are weak leaders who are able to act as spokespeople.

Trudeau’s brother also declared that Justin’s disastrous and anti-freedom policies do not represent his true self. In short, he’s being controlled by global elites.

He is not speaking from his heart. I don’t honestly believe… it’s not candid, there is no actual discussion. He is not allowed to actually engage with the Freedom Convoy and with these people, because there is a lot to unpack here and there are a lot of serious questions.”

Also when you look at the history of people like Jeffrey Epstein and what their role was, to trap people and blackmail people, and you think about a life of opulence and opportunity, you make mistakes and you get coerced into doing something bad.”

Blackmail is a very powerful tool.”

Kyle Kemper is not a nobody. Not only is he Justin Trudeau’s half-brother, and the son of Margaret Trudeau, but he has a business portfolio. He is a founder and the Chief Executive Officer of Swiss Key, and previously an Executive Director and Strategic Advisor at the Chamber of Digital Commerce Canada. He finished his B.Comm, marketing business, from Dalhousie University.

So now you know some real truth about Justin Trudeau. Not theory or speculation from afar. The truth and nothing but the truth from his own brother’s mouth. Justin is a tool of the global elite. He does not – nor has he ever – served Canada.

And it should come as no surprise. Klaus Schwab is on record boasting about how the WEF has penetrated cabinets in governments across the world. And according to Schwab, Canada was the first country to fall under his control.

But it gets even worse.

As though the allegations leveled at Trudeau by the underage girl’s father aren’t bad enough, the mainstream media also colluded to cover up a pedophilia scandal involving Justin Trudeau’s best friend at the time.

Christopher Charles Ingvaldson, a teacher at West Grey Point Academy who also went to college with Trudeau, was found guilty of child pornography charges after being caught directing an international pedophile ring.

Ingvaldson entered guilty pleas in B.C. Provincial Court in Vancouver to accessing child pornography and possession of child porn. He was also initially charged with two counts of importing or distributing child pornography.

At the time he was charged, Royal Canadian Mounted Police said that 11 members of the pedophile ring in three countries – Canada, Australia and the UK – had also been arrested and charged.

Justin Trudeau and Ingvaldson have been closely linked since their days as room-mates at college, and after completing their teaching degrees they both received job offers from West Point Grey Academy.

After becoming Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau encouraged Ingvaldson to run for political office as a member of the Liberal Party. Ingvaldson announced his desire to be the Liberal MP candidate in the district of Vancouver-Kingsway, and developed a social media pages announcing his plans to run.

However his arrest and subsequent imprisonment on child porn and pedophilia charges have ended any chance Ingvaldson had of entering politics, even in Trudeau’s liberal Canada.

The revelation that Justin Trudeau’s close friend is a pedophile has come as no surprise to Canadians who have been watching the liberal Prime Minister closely. They point out that Trudeau has many uncomfortable ties to pedophilia.

Let’s take a look at the Pierre Elliot Trudeau Foundation, named after Justin’s father. It claims to “support creative and critical thinkers who make meaningful contributions to critical social issue.”

But according to an FBI document released by WikiLeaks, the Pierre Elliot Trudeau Foundation has a history of using blatant pedophile symbols.

A case in point is this image taken from the 2015-16 annual report of the Pierre Elliot Trudeau Foundation. The use of this symbol though seems an odd choice for the foundation given what the FBI document says regarding about its true meaning.

This possible link to institutionalized pedophilia does offer an alternative explanation for some mysterious occurrences that occurred around Trudeau and his disgraced friends earlier in their lives.

As mentioned earlier, before Justin followed his father’s footsteps into politics, he was a teacher at West Point Grey Academy, an elite K-12 school — a school that shockingly had two separate sets of parents shot dead during the time he was teaching. Officials called the killings “gangland murders” at the time.

Keep in mind this “gangland violence” was apparently occurring to parents sending their children to an incredibly expensive private Canadian prep school. The murders also happened to parents with no previous criminal records, but who were suddenly labeled mafia loan sharks after their violent and unexpected deaths.

Nobody associated with the school believed the “gangland” excuse at the time, and they still don’t.

While one is free to come to their own conclusions based on these facts, there is at least one thing we know for sure. That there have been no violent deaths among the students or their families since Ingvaldson and the now Prime Minister left the school.

Is there a pedophile ring operating at the highest levels in Canadian politics, and is the current prime minister, a multi-generational elite leader, involved?

Time will tell. The world is waking up to the truth about the globalist elite and so-called “conspiracy theories” are being exposed as conspiracy facts at an alarming rate.

Here at The People’s Voice we are determined to continue reporting on the issues that really matter. After all, if the mainstream media refuse to do it, somebody has to. Please subscribe to the channel and like the video if you want to join in our campaign to educate the masses about the reality of the power structures that rule our world. We are all in this together.

Baxter Dmitry
About Baxter Dmitry 6184 Articles
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.