Kamala Harris Named in Biden Email as Key Contact on Shady China Deal

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Kamala Harris named as contact in Hunter Biden email on shady China deal

Kamala Harris is named as a contact in Hunter Biden’s emails during a discussion about a shady business deal with a Chinese Communist Party-linked energy company, according to a bombshell report by Fox News.

In an email, dated May 15, 2017, Jim Biden shares a list of “key domestic contacts for phase one target projects” for the venture with CEFC China Energy Co.

The list included senior Democratic names such as Sens. Harris of California, Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota, Dianne Feinstein of California and Kirsten Gillibrand of New York, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, former Virginia Gov. Terry McCauliffe and many others.

The email’s subject line says: “Phase one domestic contacts/ projects.”

Nypost.com reports: It is unclear if any of the lawmakers listed were ever contacted for any reason related to the email.

While the network reports that this email was not related to others, emails obtained by The Post earlier this month showed Hunter Biden pursued lucrative deals involving CEFC China Energy Co.

In an email sent to Hunter dated May 13, 2017, obtained by The Post, details of “remuneration packages” were discussed for six people involved in an unspecified business venture.

Hunter Biden was identified as “Chair / Vice Chair depending on agreement with CEFC,” an apparent reference to the bankrupt company.

Aside from Hunter Biden in the email obtained by Fox News, the other recipients were identified as Tony Bobulinski, Rob Walker and James Gilliar.

Bobulinski, who describes himself as a former business partner of Hunter, told The Post’s Michael Goodwin on Thursday that the May 13 email was “genuine.”

That email included an outline of a “provisional agreement” for an unnamed company, under which 80 percent of the “equity,” or shares in the new company, would be split equally among four people whose initials correspond to the sender and three recipients, with “H” apparently referring to Biden.

“Hunter has some office expectations he will elaborate.” A proposed equity split references “20” for “H” and “10 held by H for the big guy?” with no further details.

Speaking to Goodwin, Bobulinski confirmed that “the big guy” was, in fact, the 2020 Democratic presidential nominee.

The email was contained in a trove of data that the owner of a computer repair shop in Delaware said was recovered from a MacBook Pro laptop that was dropped off in April 2019 and never retrieved.

The computer was seized by the FBI, and a copy of its contents made by the shop owner was shared with The Post.

The Biden campaign did not immediately respond to The Post’s request for comment on the new email including Harris’ name.

Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15207 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.