Munich Shooting – Gunman, 18 Yr Old German-Iranian Committed Suicide

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Munich Shooting - Gunman, 18 Yr Old German-Iranian Committed Suicide

Police officials said that the Munich gunman had no connection to ISIS and have pointed out his interest in previous killing sprees including the 2011 Utoya shooting, as well as an alleged psychiatric disorder.

The shootings took place on Friday at the Olympia mall, a large shopping centre in Munich, and at an adjacent McDonald’s at around 5:50pm local time.

The gunman’s body was located nearby and bore self-inflicted wounds.

RT reports: 9 dead, at least 16 injured

The shooting left 9 people dead including one person who died in a hospital and the shooter himself. At least 16 others were injured, some critically, police spokesman Marcus da Gloria Martins said. All of the dead bodies were found in or around the Olympia mall.

Perpetrator’s identity

Although initial reports said at least three gunmen were at large, police later announced that only one shooter is most likely to have carried out the rampage. “We found a man who killed himself. We assume that he was the only shooter,” Munich police department announced.

The attacker was identified as an 18-year-old German-Iranian, later named “David S.” in an unsourced report by Spiegel.

Incomprehensible motives

The shooters motives “are still unclear” according to police, despite various speculation online ranging from nationalism to terrorism. While they the incident was dubbed a terror attack police said there was “no indication” of links to radicalism.

The investigation is focusing on the gunman’s motives and his social circle to find out if the shooting was a lone-wolf attack or an act of terror, the police told TASS later on Saturday. The shooter’s connection to any terror group is yet unconfirmed.

Later on Saturday, police said forensic units had found no evidence pointing to Islamic State-related (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) links in his flat. However, Bavarian Police Chief Hubertus Andrae told a news conference on Saturday they retrieved documents related to killing sprees, including a book describing the rationale behind school shootings.

No organization immediately claimed responsibility for the shooting. However, Islamic State’s supporters have been reportedly celebrating online. Police warned against speculations about the attack.

Other facts

Following the incident Munich was placed under a state of emergency. The city went into lockdown and significant parts of the city’s transport systems were suspended. A special hotline has been set up for concerned citizens, Germany’s Interior Ministry said. Citizens were urged to stay home.

Late Friday night police were examining the backpack on the dead man believed to be the only perpetrator for possible explosives which was found one kilometer (0.6 miles) away from the mall.

The 18-year-old shooter used a 9mm Glock semiautomatic pistol and carried 300 rounds in his rucksack, police officials told reporters later on Saturday. It is still unclear whether he was an experienced shooter, but Glock pistols are common among special forces and the military worldwide, and are known for their accuracy and reliability.

It was also revealed that the shooter had created a fake Facebook account, signing in under the female name “Selina Akim” to urge people to come to the mall for a food giveaway, according to the Daily Telegraph. “I can buy you something that’s not too expensive,” the shooter wrote.

Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15205 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.